- The Via Christa Appendices
Some references within the Via Christa treat topics of such complexity that explaining them fully everywhere they appear would make the text burdensome and hard to follow. Each Appendix covers a single topic thoroughly.
Blessings on the Tribes of Israel
Blood: Physical Carrier of the Soul
China Eggs: Useless Mental Constructs
The Christian Platonist’s Good
Closed- versus Open-ended Questions
Declaration of Unquenchable Love
Declarations for a New Life Pattern
Ditches and Water in a Dry Land
The Divine Sign, the Voice of Conscience
Dweller on the Threshold of Consciousness
Effect of Drugs and Alcohol on Consciousness
Figure-8 Sublimation Treatment
Girding Your Loins: A Secret of Eternal Youth
The Golden Bowl: The Higher Creative Center
Immanence versus Transcendence
Is Intuition the Dual Process Theory? The Life is in the BloodLifting Life Sparks, a Treatment
Path of Destiny or Line of Fate? Phrenology Planetary RulershipsPlato’s Doctrine of Recollection
The Pole of Paracelsus Rag Doll Exercise Rebellion in the Skies Recharging Your StarRotary Treatment for Balance and Vigor
Seven Life Urges or Life Principles
Solar Plexus or Abdominal Brain
Soul Guidance versus Self-Will
Treatment for Lifting Life Sparks