The Universal Magna Carta of Creation

The Magna Carta Libertatum (Medieval Latin for "The Great Charter of the Liberties") commonly refers to "the charter of English liberties granted by King John on June 15, 1215, under threat of civil war and reissued with alterations in 1216, 1217, and 1225. By declaring the sovereign to be subject to the rule of law and documenting the liberties held by "free men," the Magna Carta would provide the foundation for individual rights in Anglo-American jurisprudence." – Encyclopedia Britannica

The Universal Magna Carta of Creation

Edna Lister recording script; January 15, 1969, Moreland Hills, California.

We find the basis for our faith in two quotations taken from our Bible. The first one is from St. John, Chapter 1 and verse 1: "In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God." The second quotation is from Genesis, Chapter 1, verse 1: "In the beginning God created." A lonely God, needing action, desired to create and universes were born. God, as Mind in action, opened a Great Day of Manifestation. The fundamental obligation demanded that it should cover and contain all that was ever to be.

God's first use of His Word, the Magna Carta, was the action of the Mind of God as an in-breathing from the void, first causing a pulsation, and then an in-drawing of the tiny first original particles of Light Substance, to fill a great Mind-Thought Center, there condensing this Substance until there was enough brought together within this circle to cause an explosion. The built-up Energy was great enough to send the vibration forth into space to form a gestating place for all universes.

The Word was and is a planned, controlled operation containing all that is. This inbreathing went on until the vast Power that filled all space was great enough to last a full great Day of Manifestation.

That Word was the Magna Carta of all the universes, containing all the Plans for Creation. It is still the same vast vibration containing the Plans, not only for Creation in the beginning, but for the end of a great Day, and all that is needed for time in between. When the space, as a place, was ready, God, as Mind, created individuals in His own 'image and likeness' to populate and become perfect instruments to fill it and carry out His Creative Plans.

"Carta" means the privilege to operate and do certain things. "Magna" means greatness enough to cover all needs. God's Magna Carta, the original Word that was God, is now God and ever shall be God in action, is immutable, indestructible, and can never be changed. It is!

The Magna Carta has not been changed, but it has been delayed through the countless combinations made by individuals through their misuse of God's perfect will. God did not arrange for such delay, but in His wisdom, has been able to work out answers to the new problems presented to Him through and by the misuse of Power in evil ways.

The great cost of such disobedience falls upon all alike. We have all delayed God's perfect plan for us and reap the reward of outer delay. God's original Plans for His creation stands. Behind the scenes, God's all-knowing ability to control, to hold and to work together for good has ever grown greater. He is!

Do you believe this? Do you know, stand and hold fast to this confidence today, that God can and will make all things right? Do you accept that the Word is doing its original perfect work behind the veil that separates the outer and inner worlds?

From the lowest outer form of life, from the creature to the creator, from instinctive intelligence to conscious God-like intelligence, we are all under the original God-given plan, our Magna Carta of life. For one and all alike, the one absolute, fundamental and outer primary Law of Life is the one of perfect obedience. This cannot be set aside to suit the convenience of any individual.

As nature operates under the three great creative principles of expansion, explosion and expression, so must each individual accept and follow in obedience these laws of nature. No one can set aside these basic laws of life and thrive.

As nature obeys the call of spring and appropriates from earth, water and air God's original life, lowered in vibration to meet unconscious nature's needs, so must man appropriate from the highest vibration of his Source, through his breathing, all the original Substance he needs for his expression.

Unlike nature, man must accept and appropriate life with the consent of his conscious mental and emotional lives, as well as reaching up and extending his breathing to include the vibration direct from his Source of life. Only through this threefold and complete acceptance can man appropriate enough life for full health and success.

The First Voice declared, "Let there be Light," and so must man's first, and at all times conscious, declaration be: Let there be Light! Since Light is the original substance of which all things are made that were made, man must combine everything found in the lower vibrations and appropriate and combine it in the high, deep, constant inbreathing of the Breath of Life. On earth today, this substance of Light is called atomic energy.

A man's desire for more life burns high, he breathes and as he appropriates this life, he converts it into that atomic energy which inflates the cells of the atomic body within which he already dwells. By this conscious desire, man converts this Light into active atomic energy to produce any and all outer acts of expression.

Divine Mind sends an order to the brain, and that which filled the atoms, expanding them with pure inhaled Light, converts that Light through an explosion of atomic cells into the expression of movement or action. Original Light has been used by the individual, even as nature uses it on the lower level as expansion, explosion and expression. We have been obedient to the three basic creative laws of all universes.

First, God created space by in-breathing consciously until the condensed Substance expanded and filled the need for space in which the Creation and gestating of all universes could be carried out. At the proper moment, an explosion of condensed Substance took place and the first three Emanations filled all space.

Secondly, God then created a form for a part of Himself to use, called the Only Begotten Son, called so because he had the Scepter of Power that only the original Mind, the Father, could use.

Then came begotten sons and daughters in the image and likeness of the Father, and later came created sons and daughters who descended to fill all space.

As Light continued to flow on in rhythmic cycles, it lowered itself in vibration until the successively heavier substance could be used by the sons and daughters of God to enfold themselves in a sheath dense enough to sink to the outpost of divine expression for experience, called earth. The still radiant spiritual beings called their new covering a body. Each individual is still this radiant created son or daughter from the Source, with an identity forever unchangeable.

With the first declaration of "Let there be Light," the Magna Carta of God went into effect and it is now in effect. Original Light created space and populated it with divine Mind in form for expression. All of this came from that first declaration, and "Let there be Light" is still a first declaration in obedience to the basic creative laws of expansion, explosion and expression.

As Light filled space, it created three lowered vibrations, three distinct levels between Light and form. First came color, then tone and then number, all three necessary for the creating of an outer form. This process of descent is still going on under God's creative principles.

On earth it operates under the control of the seasons. As the dormant winter season awakens to the call of spring and countless tons of verdure, flowers and food opens the new cycle in the process of growth, the bulb, the seed, the root, responding to the warmth of the sun, draws in the Light which is life until enough substance of Light condenses into the power of expansion, resulting in an explosion which sends the sap from roots to the tips of tree branches, and green shoots from seed and bulb to find the sun.

This process of drawing in goes on until the full cycle of production is fulfilled according to the original idea impregnated within each type by the original Word. The call to spring in nature represents the same thing that inspiration for higher things represent in the individual, the Power of the Light of the Source calling everything upward.

How does this process apply to the individual? The impregnated idea in nature corresponds to the desire in the individual and, in both, the expression will follow the original desire. Fortunately, the individual is a creator, and by a simple desire-declaration of "Let there be Light," can open a season of fulfillment for himself at any time in any place.

With the original declaration, "Let there be Light," plus obedience to law, the opening process of melting, dissolving and absorbing the ice, the crystallization dormant in either body or affairs, is started, a whole new cycle of growth.

Wherever the declaration of Light is directed in a body or affairs by any individual for self or others, the old pattern begins to fade out and a new pattern is established. However, the in-drawing of life must be as constant as is that of unconscious nature, nothing must interfere with it.

Where the old cells are absorbed, the new creative life as Light enters and creates new cells. Each cell expands, then explodes into two cells and continues this growth process until a whole new organ or part is created. We call this a miracle.

A miracle may be a slow process or an act. This is determined by the fervor of the declaration which pre-decides which type of miracle is to be ours. The depth of acceptance and of expectancy add speed to fulfillment. The new business, the new body, organ or part, unfolds under the third principle of expression. The one great need is steadfastness of purpose, for the rhythm must be kept through faithfulness under the great laws of creation, expansion, explosion and expression.

As we have entered the new Christed Age with its conquering in scientific fields, we become aware of the need for a greater knowledge of the Magna Carta of Creation. We learn and realize that all healing and success are but the dense outer form of the Magna Carta being touched by divine Mind and called back into a higher vibration of tone and then color, allowing the pure Light of our Source to take us over with all our creations.

We begin to realize that we are descended gods, already immortal now, and that it "doth not yet appear" what we shall be through our obedience, each one doing the greater works, raised into that original immortality which is Light. The Word does the work. The Word is the work, now ready to expand, to explode and to express. Let there be Light!

Let There be Light. Let, oh, Father, our new idea of our own immortality take over every part of our lives. Let our new illumination permeate our lives fully, broaden our love, enrich our compassion for others while filling us with a greater devotion for Thee.

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Religion and the World 1

Edna Lister sermon outline excerpt; November 5, 1967, Cleveland, Ohio.

A world was formed in the beginning. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made." – John 1:1-3. God used Mind to breathe until the Word exploded and Creation opened. The Word was a planned, controlled explosion.

The Word was God in action as Mind. The Word was a rhythmic pulsation filling all universes, which yet remained void, having no form as we know it. The Word, acting as Mind on Substance, began to build up enough condensed Power to last a whole Day of Manifestation. God created first a place, space. Then He filled it with principle and personality.

From principle and personality came the second great action, time. This was all Mind and contained the whole plan for all universes. It was then and still is an unchangeable, unalterable and perfect Magna Carta containing the beginning, and the end. Every smallest life spark was impregnated with the whole plan, and has carried out the divine plan ever since. Thus, the Magna Carta was formed, and still is.

God's ability to stand behind the scenes and to know the end from the beginning has grown greater, not less. God is greater than all the atheists, greater than the millions of brainwashed agnostics, who degrade Jesus the Christ to a mere man. No deviations, no denials of or delays, no thing man can do can change one Word of God's Universal Magna Carta. All deviations from and denials of notwithstanding, God's Magna Carta shall be fulfilled.

Do you believe this? Do you believe in a great eternal everlasting God who knows where we are all going and what the end must be? Think! From nine digits and the twenty-six letters of the alphabet come all our computations and communications, from these silly little symbols. If the Magna Carta contained the Wisdom for this, it contains all the principles as law that is needed to bring us home. Moses put this Magna Carta into form through the words of the Ten Commandments, for our obedience to law. Moses' Ten Commandments operate on three levels, the physical, the mental-emotional, and the spiritual. From the creator to the creator, all must obey law. Obedience is the keynote, from instinctive to conscious intelligence, with its millions of confirming experiences.

Then Jesus came and brought the three temptations in the wilderness of self on Substance, Mind and Power (Matthew 4:1-11). True obedience to law never demands, expects or even asks another, but commands the self. How great is your obedience? All creation now depends on our obedience to all the law of the Magna Carta.

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Religion and the World 2

Edna Lister sermon transcript excerpt; November 5, 1967, Cleveland, Ohio. Scribes: Elizabeth Barnes, Ruth Johnson.

In the beginning, the Word was formed. God used Mind to breathe and condense universal substance. After a certain period of breathing, He spoke the Word, the substance exploded and filled the universes. The Word was God in action as Mind. The Word was filled with condensed and glowing planned substance that went forth.

The Word named a vibration, "Let there be Light." At first it was a pulsing vibration, then it became rhythmic and began to prepare a place of creation within which to gestate. This took far longer than science knows. In the "seven days" of creation, events of such magnitude and condensation took place that it has expanded the universe more light years than science can figure.

The Word, which became space and was peopled by descended creator gods, was God's Magna Carta. God's Divine Plan is still there. Science is still trying to name these pulsations by which the Word moved forth and will return. If only the world could see this overall Plan, they would understand that God is bringing each one home. No atheist can change any part of it, not one life spark. Stand firm on this truth.

We came with the Adamic civilization. As descended creators brought God's gift of free will to earth. Since every word is impregnated with the divine Magna Carta, God's Wisdom, Love and Joy permeate everything. How could anyone think that God would permeate all with Himself and that He would not have restraint? Every life spark has the mark of obedience within it. Ministers who say they would take us back to God are teaching disobedience. Obedience to the divine will is nonresistance.

God has implanted two great compulsions within man's soul: First, the divine urge to use Mind as will and second, the divine compulsion to be obedient to law. Moses brought the way to meet these two compulsions into outer form. He stressed obedience in the Ten Commandments, which had to be put into written form because man had sipped the cup of Lethe. We have more or less obeyed them.

The Ten Commandments cover three phases of life: First, the physical, including restraint, do not kill, do not steal, etc. Second, the emotional-mental life includes emotional jags. Every time you tell someone off you use your own soul substance. With every emotional jags, you lower a veil of illusion. Opinions and prejudices do more harm to the body than doubt or fears do. The subconscious depends on the permeating Spirit of God moving in at night to cleanse the residue of mind and the emotions' effect on the body. Finally, in the spiritual phase. The Ten Commandments show that obedience goes with free will. This was enough to suit the world for thousands of years.

Then came Jesus, who taught the laws of being in the Beatitudes, as Moses had taught the laws of doing. You will be tested on whatever you teach. The first tests Jesus met were the three temptations in the wilderness.

You have heard, "God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." – Galatians 6:7. Every negative expression builds spiritual debt. The Word explodes from your lips to permeate and penetrate the home or office of any person you talk about. How often in the past month have you had a negative thought? — including calling yourself names, etc. Each night, ask yourself Have I filled any holes I made in my prayer molds for divine substance?

To avoid building more soul debts, you must know and declare that God's Light has surrounded, covered, and absorbed your negative words. Know this and review all the negative words and thoughts since your birth. War itself takes form from the negative vibration of the words people speak. Thus people and nations create greater enemies.

Jesus underwent three temptations on the physical, emotional-mental and spiritual levels. These match the Ten Commandments and go with them. They cover obedience, correct will and freedom of choice. The Ten Commandments teach you how to obey. The three temptations show you how to meet physical laws and what to do about them.

The Magna Carta contains God's Plan of Creation, and we brought His know-how with us on the descent. He expects us to draw on it during our stay here and as we ascend to our eternal home. God's planned how we were to explode upward in creativity, not downward into destruction.

In everything from rocks to plants to creatures to creators, the compulsion is to obey. Even Nature obeys the seasons. Both a Divine Plan and a personal plan exist to bring forth our potentials.

How often have you made vows, only to disobey? At a certain point, always at a climactic time in life, you meet the three temptations. Religion calls this a conversion. Under that rebirth in consciousness, all the past lives in which you disobeyed — and there could be many — come up for cleansing. Everyone has a mess to clean up, so you are not alone.

When you plan ahead for higher goals, you store up the Power you use for accomplishing them. If you reach a day when you have no strength, it means you have depleted your substance and forgotten to store Power by daily prayer. Prayer today furnishes Power for tomorrow.

What we call the dweller on the threshold of consciousness is a cloud of every negative thing you have thought, spoken or done. The Father sends a shot of Power through the body when you are in that high state of consciousness, and it shatters the dweller. This is the Father's plan for reducing soul debts under the Magna Carta. Sometimes the fragments that result from the shattering return to you as spiritual debts payable now. God absorbs the residue when you are reborn in consciousness and finally conquer.

You have the ability to send forth good, but if you allow your zeal to fade, your aura becomes dim. If you did not have the Light, your lamps trimmed and burning as the five wise virgins, then you might receive a blow from the world and wonder why. This only happens if you have not stored up energy for today's needs to carry you through. So, God must have extra stored energy from ascended substance to take you home.

The whole process of obeying law is threefold: Stand and say, "God is all. This is good. Let there be Light." This consumes negativity. Jesus said, "I came not to bring peace, but a sword." His sword is Light. When you say, "Let there be Light!" it separates darkness from Light. This is the sword of love, truth, and obedience to the Magna Carta of God. You do not earn credits through just prayer or wanting something. The only way to live at peace is by using the sword of obedience on self, and conquering the self.

Every life spark, every photon contains the whole Magna Carta of the divine plan. Your golden bowl contains the magnificent equipment of the computer Mind of God, ready to become your personal Magna Carta for your own life. God has sent us forth with free will and the knowledge of how to use it to gain experience. Obedience takes you home, and this is the world of religion for you, the Elect!

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Edna Miriam Lister
1884 –1971
The original Pioneering Mystic,
American Idealist, Founder, Society of the Universal Living Christ, minister, teacher, author, wife, and mother

../Edna Lister


The Holy Bible. King James Version (KJV).

Stenton, Doris Mary. "Magna Carta," Encyclopædia Britannica. September 27, 2018 [Accessed February 19, 2019].

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