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Appreciation is recognition of the quality, value, or significance of people and things; a judgment or opinion, especially a favorable one, an expression of gratitude; awareness or delicate perception, especially of aesthetic qualities or values.
–American Heritage Dictionary.
To appreciate is to recognize the quality, significance, or magnitude of; to be fully aware of or sensitive to; to realize; to be thankful or show gratitude for.
–American Heritage Dictionary.
Notably, another source draws this distinction: to appreciate is to value; to set a price or value on; to estimate; as, we seldom sufficiently appreciate the advantages we enjoy. To raise the value of.
To appreciate is to rise in value; to become of more value.
As a noun, appreciation is a setting a value on; a just valuation or estimate of merit, weight, or any moral consideration. A rising in value; increase of worth or value.
–Webster’s American Dictionary.
“An ounce of appreciation will give many a pound of satisfaction.”—Edna Lister
To appreciate is to recognize the quality of goodness of anything, to be thankful or to show gratitude. Appreciation is a soul virtue, the twin of gratitude. Appreciation rightly gives rise to praise.
People will turn themselves inside out for anyone who really appreciates their effort.—Edna Lister, August 1934
You never learn appreciation, except through loss. Things and persons become more real
when you lose them and learn their true value.—Edna Lister, The Twelfth Degree, June 15, 1935
Appreciation arises from earning.—Edna Lister, January 14, 1939
Appreciate what you have been given in gratitude and do not take it lightly or matter-of-factly, lest a dry rot of lukewarmness start, which disintegrates what God has joined.—Edna Lister, January 19, 1939
Appreciate what you have gained with great gratitude, for countless steps are added for every step you take in surrender of self by stepping where the Master has stepped.—Edna Lister, January 23, 1939.
Show appreciation for what you have earned by continued seeking, earnest effort and study, and by holding your torch high to light the Way for others on earth.—Edna Lister, February 18, 1941
Appreciate others fully for their efforts and contributions. Do not wound them with ingratitude.—Edna Lister, June 30, 1941
You must appreciate others joyfully and show your appreciation in many ways.—Edna Lister, July 20, 1945
You may be praying for someone or some condition even before being asked, but it works better when you put up a line of Light as a request. In a problem situation, accept whatever comes after you have done your best as love. Unappreciated service is a sacrificial service, yet you must work in love, with no doubts or self. Remember, when debts are paid, when initiations are finished, you move higher. Nothing lasts forever, for change is constant. Do your work well, so that you will not doubt its quality. An earned joy is the greater when it comes.—Edna Lister, February 18, 1946
If another praises you and appreciates you, thank God and give Him the credit as you receive the praise joyously and graciously.—Edna Lister, Gifts and Giving, June 14, 1953
You willfully and deliberately let God’s gifts slip through your fingers by lack of appreciation, not keeping vows, and not assuming full responsibility. When you flout anything, you go clear to the bottom, for God’s gifts are not to be mocked.—Edna Lister, April 14, 1956
Appreciation is gratitude, voiced, yet self is showing when appreciation seems to stick in your throat. Gratitude is a supreme virtue. It makes the other fellow feel so good and you, too. It is such an agreeable thing to do. Do not put a stinger in your gratitude.—Edna Lister, July 20, 1956
Devotion is appreciation of the Infinite, greatness and goodness, and absolute reliance upon principle always.—Edna Lister, The 33 Degrees of Soul Conquering, October 27, 1959
The measure of your appreciation, gratitude and joy, as the riches you bring before God, is the measure of Power you may release.—Edna Lister, What Is Your Measure of Power? June 12, 1960
Joy ascends you to a high point of appreciation, a realization that God is all joy.—Edna Lister, Realization Through Praise, June 26, 1960.
When you complain about how you feel, you create a vacuum of need. You must put effort into what you seek to do, or study, to get anything from it. Cleanse the fear. Fill the void with love. Love God and appreciate everything in your life.—Edna Lister, January 12, 1961
You have no right to expect approval or appreciation from anyone.—Edna Lister, September 7, 1961
These lessons in law are magnificent enough to carry you to the highest thrones. Yet ample appreciation is necessary to hold this point. Lack of appreciation causes you to fall asleep again. To forget law is the second death.—Edna Lister, September 16, 1961
All growth comes under the great law of appreciation, or gratitude.—Edna Lister, September 16, 1961
Devotion expresses your appreciation and love of God in praise and song.—Edna Lister, This One Thing I Do, November 26, 1961.
Be in joy and in unconquerable faith, for in them resides the Power to move through your affairs, preparing the way for the fulfillment of all promises, and for your dream-desires to come to pass. Keep praise on your lips, your heart alight with joy, and your prayer declarations positive.
Declare: “Let the full Power of God now move forth, opening new doors of service and promotions. Let Thy Power go before me now, preparing my way into high places of appreciated service. Let my way be Thy way, oh Father of Light, and let Thy glory possess me.”
So shall Power move to fulfill your prayer molds and bring them into outer expression.—Edna Lister, December 25, 1961.
Hold your gains and rejoice. Without rejoicing, man is nothing, for gratitude is the first law of increase. All growth comes under the great law of appreciation, or gratitude. Gratitude and joy are the vibrations that keep you from slipping into the mud of self. You cannot rejoice if you are bound to the little self.
To touch the vibration of praise, move into the high principle of joy. To rejoice and be glad under all outer conditions is the goal, because your declaration, "This is good," must be born under the spirit of praise and devotion to God.—Edna Lister, December 13, 1962
Your surrender and acceptance are the measure of your appreciation.—Edna Lister, June 28, 1964
Treatment for gratitude and awareness for yourself or others, to be broadcast, using the rotary treatment: "Be alive. Be aware. Be appreciative." Be alive and alert with the Life and Light of God. Remember to keep several things going all at once.—Edna Lister, December 4, 1964
Praise is the only thing that starts faith, the fuel on which you run, flowing. I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.
—Revelation 3:18. Praise is your eye salve. Eye trouble indicates a lack of appreciation and gratitude.—Edna Lister, May 13, 1965
Your appreciation could be a thousandfold greater than it is, so turn up the heat and get off the simmer burner. Take time to say, Thank You, Father! You have healed me!
—Edna Lister, February 12, 1966
Count each miracle and blessing and praise God for them, for praise is gratitude. Appreciation and dedication to miracles brings more miracles. Love melts and dissolves the barriers that you had imposed between yourself and the good things.—Edna Lister, October 14, 1966
Self-pity and desire for appreciation are two great stumbling blocks in this work of soul ascension. Many become conscious of making sacrifices and flop. Some make the hard climb repeatedly while others do not. Everyone must have honor and integrity. You came to earth to give, and your giving creates room to receive. The Father wraps all your giving into a great package and sends it as a fulfilled project. If God is for you, who can be against you? It is a matter of never thinking about the self, the lifter, or of wiping out darkness. You falter and slip only when you grow weary of waiting for love and appreciation under law.
You were begotten to represent God’s giving Power. When in doubt, choose something you can appreciate without regard to self. Even if another has thrown it in the scrap basket, what has that to do with you and your expression? Can the world’s evil darts of scorn or envy sour your choice of how to act? When one expresses against God, how does your thought of, "How I love you," affect him? Give the stranger a smile. That small effort can bring the power of high choice to the one you love most.
God sent you here to give, to live by the principle of giving. When you have drained yourself of giving, remember that another bit of giving can tear away the veils. The work is done if you love enough. "What is that to thee? Follow thou me" refers to action on the other end. The most brutal repudiation of your love is a sign that the wedge of Light is in.—Edna Lister, November 4, 1968
Edna Lister 1942 newspaper column, appears in Life in a Nutshell.
Is appreciation the last thing your family or boss thinks of giving you? Does it take all the natural joy from your work, and leave you feeling low and unnecessary? Even work that you may love can grow stale under these outer conditions, if you allow yourself to think too much about not being appreciated for what you are doing. The way to cure this dullness in your own life is easy.
Start an appreciation campaign right where you work and live. Everyone responds to it. Everyone loves it. Appreciation keeps the old world ticking. It’s the spice of life to most folks and most folks will do most anything when others appreciate it. It doesn’t cost a cent and gives large returns to the giver. You may not receive appreciation from those to whom you give it, but you will create bubbling joy within your own heart.
Life will look rosy again and your outlook will return to normal. Try it tomorrow, wherever you find yourself. Use it on your family. Find something to praise and your smile may draw some praise to you. An ounce of appreciation will give many a pound of satisfaction.
Edna Miriam Lister1884–1971
The original Pioneering Mystic,
Christian Platonist philosopher, American Idealist, Founder, Society of the Universal Living Christ, minister, teacher, author, wife, and mother.
Etymology of appreciate: Latin appretiare, to appraise.
Appreciation is a soul virtue.
The aim of life is appreciation; there is no sense in not appreciating things; and there is no sense in having more of them if you have less appreciation of them.—G.K. Chesterton
Chesterton, G.K. Autobiography. Hutchinson & Co., 1936.
Harper, Douglas. Online Etymology Dictionary, 2024.
The Holy Bible. King James Version (KJV).
The Oxford English Dictionary: Compact Ed., 2 vols. Oxford University Press, 1971.
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