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Equilibrium, in the physical sense, is defined as "the condition of equal balance between opposing forces, that state of a material system in which the forces acting upon the system are so arranged that their resultant at every point is zero, the state of equal balance between powers of any kind, the condition of suspense or uncertainty produced by equality in the force of opposing influences, neutrality of judgment or volition."
Equilibrium is the state of equal balance among all parts of a complex unity, or within the living soul. Equilibrium is an expression of the Logos, an absolute and abstract principle, and a law of being. The laws of equilibrium in manifestation include gravitation, expansion, repulsion, suction, and contraction.
Edna Lister on Equilibrium
The principle of equilibrium holds the whole universe in place. – Edna Lister, January 30, 1933.
Spiritual balance is Wisdom, Love and Selflessness in equilibrium within the soul. – Edna Lister, Fear of the Lord Is the Beginning of Wisdom, March 15, 1934.
Nonresistance is the key to equilibrium as the law of balance, which is subordinate to it. – Edna Lister, Be-Attitudes, September 12, 1935.
God acts through the Logos, the Word, which is equilibrium, becomes harmony in all motion and action in the universe, and returns to the Source as balance. – Edna Lister, A Design for Ascension, 1941.
Equilibrium is the state of equal balance among all parts of a complex unity. Harmony is the combination or adaptation of related parts or elements to form a consistent orderly whole, agreement, accord and congruity. Balance means stability or steadiness due to the equilibrium prevailing among all forces of a situation, to bring or to maintain in equilibrium. High balance under the Emanations, then, is maintaining harmony and equilibrium, which coordinate mind, imagination and emotions as perfect "knowing," a blend of spiritual seeing and hearing. – Edna Lister, A Design for Ascension, 1941.
God the invisible Creator expresses through three fundamental principles, Wisdom, Love and Nonresistance (the Father, Mother and Son of Selflessness) to maintain equilibrium in the universes. These three fundamental principles fall into four principles of expression and creation in manifestation: Color, tone, number and form. Gravitation, expansion, repulsion, suction and contraction are laws of equilibrium in manifestation. – Edna Lister, Five Categories of Expression: Creative Principles, March 16, 1942.
Light, color and tone create harmony. Number, form and the spoken Word create equilibrium. When you live by the first three, you have equilibrium, for the last two just fall into line. – Edna Lister, November 13, 1947.
The law of equilibrium compensates for undue criticism. God promotes him whom you criticize double what you would have received had you lifted him, which is why the "enemy" prospers. Every kick is a boost. – Edna Lister, May 20, 1948.
The Holy Spirit is the composite vibration of equilibrium harmony, and balance. – Edna Lister, From Light to Form as a Creator, August 2, 1949.
Balance is poise and equilibrium in your service. – Edna Lister, Pentecost: The Way of Ascension, May 7, 1950.
Balance and harmony are fundamental principles of doing. Equilibrium is the fundamental principle of being. – Edna Lister, Atomic Energy and Creative Mind, September 30, 1952.
You must learn balance and equilibrium at the heart center in the Promised Land. – Edna Lister, Seven Churches and Seven Centers, November 25, 1952.
The principles of activity, harmony and equilibrium derive from the Logos. – Edna Lister, Ye Are Gods, November 30, 1952.
Tone contains three specific principles of atomic action: Equilibrium, balance and harmony. – Edna Lister, December 16, 1954.
You must accept God as balance in harmony and equilibrium. – Edna Lister, Jesus, the Ascended God, December 19, 1954.
The principles of equilibrium and harmony rule as balance, automatically coordinating mind, emotions and imagination, controlling nerves and muscles as perfect spiritual seeing. These three principles combine as the Power that does the "greater works." – Edna Lister, January 1, 1960.
Under the principle of equilibrium, balance means to hold. – Edna Lister, This One Thing I Do, November 26, 1961.
When you descend from your high place of balance, you close out harmony, then equilibrium and finally go off balance on the outer. – Edna Lister, January 1, 1960.
You must work under three unmodified abstract principles (equilibrium, harmony and balance) to apply relative laws of doing; otherwise, they remain unavailable for your use. – Edna Lister, How Can I Help Myself? May 31, 1960.
You express harmony as color and love. You express equilibrium as tone and wisdom. You express balance as number and energy. – Edna Lister, How Can I Help Myself? May 31, 1960.
Equilibrium is a vibration that you access while in the harmony of being on the right chord of life. – Edna Lister, How Can I Help Myself? May 31, 1960.
To live in unity you must have harmony, equilibrium and balance, which is adjustment to the outer world. – Edna Lister, June 6, 1960.
Equilibrium deals with the relationship of the soul to the Emanations of God. – Edna Lister, June 28, 1960.
Under an expansive Power release, you tend to break laws intended to help you maintain equilibrium. – Edna Lister, Is Praise Necessary? July 5, 1960.
The evolution of universes has to do with how all created and begotten life serves to bring cosmic energy into harmony with the concept of equilibrium within the original pattern. – Edna Lister, Seven Groups Directing the Universe, November 14, 1967.
You achieve equilibrium through agreeing and adjusting. – Edna Lister, Undated Papers, 1933-1971.
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Edna Miriam Lister
1884 – 1971
The original Christian Pioneering Mystic,
Platonist philosopher, American Idealist, Founder, Society of the Universal Living Christ, minister, teacher, author, wife, and mother.
Etymology of equilibrium: Latin equilibrium: equi- "equal" + libra, "balance."
Equilibrium is an absolute principle.
Equilibrium is an abstract principle.
Equilibrium is a law of being.
The Compact Edition of The Oxford English Dictionary: 2 volumes. E.S.C. Weiner, editor. Oxford University Press, 1971.
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