
Linda Mihalic

  Intuition is “immediate apprehension or cognition; the power of knowing or cognition; knowing or knowledge obtained without recourse to inference or reasoning; insight, a quick or ready apprehension.”–Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. Intuition is “a mental view or perception, the act by which the mind perceives the agreement or disagreement of two ideas, or the truth of things, immediately, or the moment they are presented, without the intervention of other ideas, or without reasoning and deduction. For example, we know by intuition that a part is less than the whole.”–Webster’s American Dictionary

“Intuition is holographic—your link to the universal Mind that was in Christ Jesus, operating faster than light. As Isaiah said, ‘before they call, I will answer; while they are yet speaking, I will hear.’ ”–Linda Mihalic

  Intuition is an abstract principle, a law of being and doing, and an emotional, mental and spiritual faculty. The standard worldly definitions are insufficient to explain how the degrees of intuition operate in man. The root of intuition means “to consider” or “to see.” When someone says, “Oh, I see what you mean!” or “Yes! I get it!” they have partially or wholly intuited the answer. Intuition is the soul faculty most closely aligned with the protective mothering love principle; intuition is knowing through love.
  Every warm-blooded creature on earth, including man, has the faculty of intuition in some degree. In animals, intuition is most recognizable as the self-protective instinct of fight-or-flight. The sentinel crow caws the alert and the whole murder takes flight to fight. The fawn hears a breaking twig and freezes in place. Intuition works in man this way, too, most often as a “gut” reaction or “hair-raising” anxiety. Your intuition is your baseline awareness and perception of your surroundings; your bloodstream carries the chemical messages of warning and reaction to and from the brain’s limbic system (the amygdala, hypothalamus, and thalamus), the seat of the emotions. This is how intuition operates within the impulsive-appetitive soul, the subconscious level of mind. This is the way you discern the degree of threat present and respond.
  Thinking takes place within the rational soul, which corresponds to the waking conscious mind. The most common thinking is slow and linear, plodding along through a-b-c-d-e-f-g to it conclusion in x-y-z. Intuition is best characterized as a form of super-fast thinking; it makes leaps: a—m—z, enabling conscious mind to arrive at the needed deduction. How? Intuition is an instant apprehension that arrives via the Oversoul’s super-conscious mental link with the universal mind. “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus”–Philippians 2:5. The answer is wholly accessible in a blinding flash of Light—the illumination of the wisdom principle fathering absolute “knowing” without suspicion or rationalization.

Edna Lister on Intuition

Intuition, which is seeing with the eyes of mind, is glorious and superb. What you see or notice acts upon your physical vision. If you see an empty purse or wallet, your sense of spiritual sight has sprung a leak, and your good sense runs out! When you look into the glory at the heart of the Light, you are invincible.–Edna Lister, Possibilities, December 13, 1934

Spiritual seeing is an apperception beyond physical sight. Apperception is defined as “conscious perception with full awareness.” Spiritual seeing progresses from perception to intuition and apperception.–Edna Lister, The Single Vision, January 30, 1935

You can hear intuition speak to you when you are open to the Light above.–Edna Lister, Heavenly Manna, July 8, 1940

Intuition and illumination are above believing and knowing.–Edna Lister, The Chalice, July 6, 1941

You must test all impulses or what you think is intuition. If you have a flash of vision, immediately go up in consciousness and ask the Father if it is “yes.” He sends you back, usually two or three times to check and see that it is no illusion.–Edna Lister, April 3, 1942

Spiritual seeing is first a sense of “knowing,” which is purely spiritual intuition.–Edna Lister, July 29, 1942

As Light enters the head, it illumines the optic chiasm of the thalamus at the floor of the third ventricle of the brain. As the Light metaphysically activates these physical structures, it becomes spiritual intuition in the pituitary gland and illumination in the pineal body.–Edna Lister, The Trinities of Creation, March 17, 1945

Personality uses illumination, intuition, and expression, which you access through praise, and in no other way.–Edna Lister, Illumination and Comprehension, December 9, 1945

Intuition is perfect hearing and doing of the law, hearing the voice of love and knowing wisdom.–Edna Lister, Awakening to Understanding, October 27, 1946

With the first marriage of the Lamb, the mating of desire and will, will becomes illumination, seated in the pineal body, and desire becomes the seat of intuition in the pituitary gland.–Edna Lister, December 9, 1946

From the base of soul consciousness, you surrender to God’s desire for you, which is love, imagination that builds energy, and His will, which is wisdom. Then the pineal body and pituitary gland open to illumination and intuition.–Edna Lister, November 13, 1947

Light can lead you to the high place, but you cannot enter therein without intuition and illumination supreme.–Edna Lister, December 13, 1947

Your Oversoul has never left the presence of God. It is your all-seeing eye of intuition.–Edna Lister, August 10, 1949

Separate your subconscious hunches from super-conscious intuition to clarify your thinking. Let Oversoul illumination cleanse your intuition, which is God speaking to you.–Edna Lister, And It Came to Pass, September 10, 1950

In humanity, wisdom and love express as will and desire. Desire, expressing as love, opens the pituitary to intuition. Will, expressing as wisdom, opens the pituitary to illumination. Thus, desire, added to will, becomes the creator’s I AM consciousness.–Edna Lister, What I Do Have, I Give, October 1, 1950

Illumination and intuition are the forms the Oversoul’s I AM consciousness takes as it uses you.–Edna Lister, My Soul Has Wings, December 3, 1950

God bestows your credits as greater intuition and illumination when you love Him and magnify His name.–Edna Lister, Rewards for Service, July 15, 1951

Conscious mind governs reasoning, comparison, deduction, induction, and synthesis, the faculties you use to lift the unconscious. When these faculties fade out, you reach a place of silvery fields called “the burning sands of the desert.” To cross its barren loneliness, you must lift, lift, lift! your so-called treasures of darkness to “make the crooked places straight.” The way to cross the desert lies just above waking consciousness in super-conscious intuition.–Edna Lister, Creative Mind in Three Phases, June 29, 1952

Declare, “I AM obedient to Christed I AM consciousness as intuition and illumination. I Listen for the Voice, loud and clear or still and small, the Voice that speaks as intuition or conscience.”–Edna Lister, Acceptance and Obedience, June 21, 1953

Love is both intuition and desire. When Love is ascending, it exalts intuition and lifts desire.–Edna Lister, Love Wins, October 18, 1953

Love’s capacity, as intuition, is determined by its quality, thin and weak or rich and strong. We refer to love as “mother’s milk” and the “milk of human kindness,” but milk separates into degrees, skim milk, cream, and butter, for example.–Edna Lister, Love Wins, October 18, 1953

You express love by giving, not of things but of the self you give up to God. You can always give the world compassion and understanding, knowing when and what to give through your intuition.–Edna Lister, Love Wins, October 18, 1953

Let soul vision guard your life as intuition and illumination interpret what you hear. Christ consciousness always guides you through intuition and illumination.–Edna Lister, Your Life’s Plan, May 16, 1954

Apperception enters through the crown of the head when you live ruled fully by intuition and illumination.–Edna Lister, The Golden Silence, June 18, 1954

When intuition opens, you can get lost in phenomena.–Edna Lister, Seven Degrees in the Great Pyramid, November 30, 1954

The Elect may know, through intuitive knowledge, when to gird their loins for initiation. When you remain high in consciousness and love enough, you know through spiritual intuition, not as a subconscious hunch.–Edna Lister, January 12, 1956

Intuition and illumination are the higher soul octaves of logic, reason, discernment, discrimination, and discretion.–Edna Lister, October 22, 1956

Illumination and intuition are your precision instruments, your production tools. Desire, your emotional life, thinking, and imagination are your power tools.–Edna Lister, The Life, Your Practice, October 28, 1956

God created us to express Light through intuition and illumination.–Edna Lister, The Light, Your Expression, November 4, 1956

You use the faculty of intuition to uncover your soul memory records.–Edna Lister, November 26, 1956

The spiritual senses are desire, will, intuition, illumination and aspiration.–Edna Lister, The Brain, Your Servant, October 8, 1957

Desire must fill the pituitary gland to spark intuition, and will must fill the pineal body for illumination.–Edna Lister, April 21, 1958

The proportion of intuition to illumination is three to one, three measures of intuition to one of illumination.–Edna Lister, April 29, 1958

The pure faith of Oversoul I AM consciousness will possess you after you lift the subconscious mind, and mate selfish desires and will to illumination and intuition. Intuition and illumination form little “eyes of the Lord” for spiritual seeing, like wings of whirling white Light above your physical eyes.–Edna Lister, Manifestation, May 24, 1959

Turn your brain cells up to hear God, not the world. Intuition interprets the vibration into words when you listen with the ears of Mind.–Edna Lister, Desire Is Your Glory, June 14, 1959

When you are ready, open and waiting for the right answer, but cannot think it, you receive the answer under intuition and illumination.–Edna Lister, August 14, 1959

Super-conscious mind functions as the faculties of intuition and illumination.–Edna Lister, What Is Healing? May 17, 1960

The five physical senses (hearing, seeing, speech, feeling, tasting) form the basis of the faculty of intuition.
  Understanding, intuition and illumination are spiritual faculties or soul capacities, both of which depend on how greatly the individual expressed through the soul in past ages.–Edna Lister, Is it Right to Ask for Myself? June 14, 1960

The power of intuition from the heart of Being ignites inspiration and causes the mental faculties to look up in fervent enthusiasm and expectancy.–Edna Lister, Is Faith Enough? June 21, 1960

Intuition awakens as you apply the mental faculties of logic, reason, discernment discrimination, and discretion.–Edna Lister, How Do I Wait Upon the Lord? June 28, 1960

Self offers only a very low point of intuition and illumination where one believes a God, a Power may exist. They sit, thinking of statements by the mile while their subconscious mind wanders all over the world without ever leaving the basement of consciousness. You can never reach a state of soul ecstasy in such self-centered worship.–Edna Lister, Increase Through High Prayer, July 3, 1960

In one sense, the entire Book of Genesis is a metaphor: The woman represents love and the emotions. The man represents wisdom and the intellect. The serpent represents the unrestrained emotional and physical desires for pleasure and excess, subtly entwining and enslaving the soul. The “fall,” from eating the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, represents the emotions tempting intellect to misuse the creative fire. When the soul had reached a requisite point of knowledge of good and evil, the right and wrong ways to love, God closed the Garden of Eden.
  Man ascends, he climbs in consciousness from lower to upper Egypt, into the Promised Land, and finally into the Garden of Eden. Entering the Garden of Eden describes the soul in its expression beyond self, reaching for the Tree of Life. When humanity could finally tap the Tree of Life, God closed access to the higher creative centers in the head, the doors to intuition and spiritual illumination, so man could not misuse them in service to the self.–Edna Lister, The Tree of Life, October 15, 1961

Even with the highest intuition in the world, you are apt to grow lukewarm without sufficient fire of desire to ascend.–Edna Lister, Ten Virgins Wise and Foolish, December 16, 1962.

Oriental philosophy and religion use the lotus as the symbol of the mental body centers. At birth, the crown lotus is a tight bud, slowly opening in seven-year cycles until it is full blown in the third cycle, at twenty-one years of age. Usually the eight petals on the left side are open at birth as the love faculty of intuition. Children seem just to know and may see and hear spiritually.
  During the second cycle, from age seven through fourteen, the wisdom faculty petals of illumination open on the right side, as the child is gaining knowledge. Under training and discipline of the self, the youth maintains the balance between love and wisdom, intuition and illumination. Then the left eight petals remain open. If the soul falls into self-centered will, the lotus petals gradually close until the soul loses its heavenly contact.–Edna Lister, The Crown of Roses, June 30, 1963

Vision reveals law, and intuition and illumination interpret what vision grasps from divine Mind.
  As you turn imagination upward and use it as soul vision instead of “thought pictures,” it functions as intuition and illumination, which form themselves into comprehension, the combined Wisdom and Love of God in action.–Edna Lister, Five Keys of the Kingdom, 1964

A premonition comes from the outer world, but you must live by intuition held in check by soul discipline and illumination.–Edna Lister, The Legend of Isis and Osiris, April 14, 1964

To discover truth requires that you bring illumination, intuition and cosmic consciousness to bear on each situation to create balance. To slide down the pole from this high state is falling back onto the line of fate or living by impulsive-appetitive creature nature. Living by human nature is living by creature nature.
  When you ascend to the Path of Destiny, you access the One Christ mind, which enables your mind to function as intuition, illumination, and cosmic consciousness. Ascension puts you on course to fulfill your mission undisturbed by outer circumstances. Fate, however, entwines you with the past.–Edna Lister, Deity and Divinity, October 6, 1964

As your awareness increases, it becomes intuition and illumination.–Edna Lister, The Good Shepherd, November 1, 1964

Illumination, plus intuition and common sense, gives you a just appraisal.–Edna Lister, How to Make a Just Appraisal, May 14, 1968

To get more Light and intuition, raise the vibration of your desire.–Edna Lister, Let Your Light So Shine, November 24, 1968

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Edna Miriam Lister
The original Pioneering Mystic,
Christian Platonist philosopher, American Idealist, Founder, Society of the Universal Living Christ, minister, teacher, author, wife, and mother.

Edna Lister

Etymology of intuition: Latin intuitus, intueor; in and tueor. look at, consider, watch over.

Intuition is an abstract principle.

Intuition is a law of being and of doing.

Intuition is a mental and spiritual faculty.


The supreme task of the physicist is the discovery of the most general elementary laws from which the world-picture can be deduced logically. But there is no logical way to the discovery of these elemental laws. There is only the way of intuition, which is helped by a feeling for the order lying behind the appearance and this Einfuehlung [empathy] is developed by experience.–Albert Einstein

Intuition becomes increasingly valuable in the new information society precisely because there is so much data.–John Naisbitt

It is through science that we prove, but through intuition that we discover.–Henri Poincare

Mathematical reasoning may be regarded rather schematically as the exercise of a combination of two facilities, which we may call intuition and ingenuity.–Alan Turing

…One in whom persuasion and belief
Had ripened into faith, and faith become
A passionate intuition; whence the Soul,
Though bound to earth by ties of pity and love,
From all injurious servitude was free.
–William Wordsworth


Einstein, Albert. Prologue to Max Planck’s Where is Science Going? New York: W. W. Norton and Company, Inc., 1932, 10.

Harper, Douglas. Online Etymology Dictionary, 2024.

The Holy Bible. King James Version (KJV).

Naisbitt, John, as cited in Wisdom for the Soul: Five Millennia of Prescriptions for Spiritual Healing by Larry Chang. Embassy Books, 2009, p. 419; ISBN-10: 8188452785.

The Oxford English Dictionary: Compact Ed., 2 vols. E.S.C. Weiner, ed. Oxford University Press, 1971.

Poincare, Henri. Mathematical Definitions and Education. Science and Method, Part II, Chapter 2. Francis Maitland, trans. London: Thomas Nelson and Sons, 1914, 128-129.

Turing, Alan. The purpose of ordinal logics. Systems of Logic Based on Ordinals, Doctoral dissertation, Princeton University, 1938, p. 57.

Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. 5th ed., Springfield, Mass., C. & G. Merriam Co., 1938.

Wordsworth, William. The Excursion, The Complete Poetical Works, Despondency Corrected, Book 4, lines 1293-1297. London: Macmillan and Co., 1888.

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