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To the world space is the infinite extension of the three-dimensional field in which all matter exists; the expanse in which the solar system, stars, and galaxies exist; the universe.
–Oxford English Dictionary
Space is God as Being-Itself, infinitely extended in every direction and dimension, the habitation of the Infinite Eternal, the multiverse.
Space is an absolute principle in God—for God is all space—an abstract principle, and a Via Christa Degree: Space, Eternity and Time form the ninth lesser Via Christa Trinity, whose keynote is Immortality through conquering Space and Time. Place—space—was one of Aristotle’s categories.
There is no such thing as God and. God is infinite, so there can be nothing but God. God fills all space; there is no room for God and someone or God and something. God is the Someone.
Keep yourself free from human rules and regulations. Live above time, space and place. Live in and as God-consciousness....Time is overcome by living only in the now, and steadfastly relinquishing the past and the future. Space is conquered by relinquishing the desire to be anyplace else, by resting satisfied in this very place, which is holy ground.–Edna Lister, God as Consciousness Appears as Form, 1933
To bridge the abyss between inner and outer, you must conquer time and space.–Edna Lister, August 22, 1938
Service is the rent you pay for the space you occupy.–Edna Lister, “The Law of Averages,” Life in a Nutshell, 1942
When you surrender to the vibration of the Word as Light, your consciousness expands to overcome both time and space.–Edna Lister, The Word Made Flesh, January 5, 1947
The fourth dimension is time, which represents the energy of Power when it is released within the time-space continuum. The fifth dimension is space, which represents the Mother of Love. The sixth dimension represents the Father of Wisdom. Space is absolute infinity, as is the idea of time as eternity, but relative in the manifst universe. Therefore, man’s time is subject to change, but space is not. When the Father speaks the Word, the Mother acts as love through the Power released by th e Son. The Father said, “Let there be Light!” and the Mother instantly went forth with Him.–Edna Lister, December 15, 1952
A miracle is an acceleration of natural law that eliminates delay. Under prayer and burning desire, you set aside time and space, expand into a timeless, spaceless consciousness and law acts accordingly, instantly. You enter that place where you see spiritually and substance hastens into form to make it manifest.–Edna Lister, May 29, 1953
Neither the Father nor the Mother acts directly within time and space, but use the Son as the step-down transformer of Power into energy.–Edna Lister, Look Up and Be Alive! October 11, 1953
Live on both sides at once, perfectly conscious. You can never be in the wrong time or space. You occupy space and either make it a sun center of Light or an abyss of darkness. You are using eternity, which consists of life, Light, Power and Substance.–Edna Lister, September 5, 1957
Lack of orientation is the result of a failure to allow time to measure space. Extreme cases even find it difficult to use a map.–Edna Lister, Conquering Time, October 22, 1957
Absolute principle is the ultimate truth. Space is absolute, but time is relative. If we had no time, we could have no relationships. We cannot set principle aside, but do conform in a relative manner. For instance, members of a family do not keep same laws in same way. Space is absolute universal substance; it is not empty. Space is the absolute upon which relative time moves. Time sequences the action contained within any given space.
Beyond absolute space, which is the timeless void of activity, is a relative timed space in which substance can be condensed into form for relative expression. Timing flows from the Emanations of God. The instant time moves into action, it becomes relative to the absolute. Relative action can be measured, while the absolute cannot. Religion is the study of the action of time within the relative space of Creation. Absolute space contains all. Relative time measures all.–Edna Lister, Conquering Time, October 22, 1957
That which is unseen is far greater than that which is visible. The invisible world could not be less than the visible or chaos would result. All the vastness of space with its galaxies is the Mind of God.–Edna Lister, Realization, May 3, 1959
An “abyss to becoming” is the point of contact between the visible and invisible worlds that you reach in high prayer; it separates doing and becoming from being. A space always exists between being and doing, and abyss of becoming in which Mind, Substance and Power may be transformed into what you decree. Prayer is the only pathway through the abyss.–Edna Lister, Transfiguration, Resurrection and Ascension, May 19, 1959
Time is now; space is here.–Edna Lister, May 24, 1959
God the Absolute admits no time or space. Universal substance is God as both principle, which is and personality, which becomes—universal substance contains the whole. The absolute trinity is Wisdom, Love and the Logos, which flow throughout the universe in regular waves. Space is filled with the condensed life sparks of the absolute trinity flowing from and returning to the Source.–Edna Lister, God as Personality and Principle, June 9, 1959
Space is not empty, but is filled with Emanations of Wisdom, Love and the Logos, whirling vibrations of Light, Mind, Power and Substance as life. Space is filled with God. Power over space is not just man’s mechanical conquering of space, but the soul’s conquering of space through spiritual seeing and hearing, extended vision and soul flights.–Edna Lister, The 33 Degrees of Soul Conquering, November 3, 1959
You must set aside time and space to have a miracle.–Edna Lister, What Is a Miracle? May 24, 1960
In the golden silence, time begins to fit itself into space, as you achieve full integration between the soul and God. Nothing can disturb the devotion of the soul. You cannot even clutter it with your feeble attempts to use words. The golden silence is the soul’s Source of Life, the “secret place of the Most High” in each. It is the place of perfect nonresistance, of perfect giving because nonresistance and giving integrate as love, the one and only key to right action in living.–Edna Lister, The Key to Right Action, October 1, 1961
Heaven is a place to fill. Where you are right now in your consciousness is your heaven, and there you fill a space. There is no end to space; begin with that as a basis for pondering.–Edna Lister, Heaven, a Place to Fill, April 10, 1962
When you have finished your initiations, space collapses.–Edna Lister, Prediction and Prophecy, December 10, 1963
You transcend time and space when you seek cosmic Christed consciousness.–Edna Lister, Deity and Divinity, October 6, 1964
All time is based in and on the principle of Mother Love; all Wisdom is based in space, and the two march hand-in-hand forever. Time is always now with eternal Mother Love, and space forever opens here under Wisdom. Mother Love and Father Wisdom are ways of life.
Love, where selfless, is God’s timing. Wisdom, where selfless, is God’s spacing. Relative time without space is lifeless, dead, nonvital. Time needs a space for action. If Love is bound or limited, no action can result. To take advantage of time eternal, there must be space.–Edna Lister, Eternity Is Now Mine, May 9, 1965
You live within time and space, under fate and the world, which is the source of all delay and heartache, doing things at the wrong time, in the wrong way, and wrong place. Under fate, time and space never seem to meet. When you step onto your Path of Destiny, you move into Christed consciousness where time and space are one, and you call it a miracle.–Edna Lister, Follow Your Path of Destiny, December 4, 1966
Space deals with quality. Relative time deals with quantity because it is measurable.–Edna Lister, Beauty, a Spiritual Way of Life, May 9, 1967
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”—John 1:1. God used Mind to breathe and formed a world "in the beginning," when the Word exploded and Creation opened. The Word was God as Mind in action as a planned, controlled explosion, a rhythmic pulsation filling the universe, which had been “void,” with no form until then. The Word, acting as Mind on Substance, began to build up enough condensed power to last a whole Day of Manifestation.
God first created a place, space, which He then filled with principles and personalities. From principle and personality came the second great action, time. This was the Light as Mind that contained the whole Plan of Creation for all universes, an unchangeable, unalterable and perfect Magna Carta, containing the beginning and the end. God impregnated every smallest life spark with the whole plan, and each has carried out the Divine Plan ever since God formed the Magna Carta.–Edna Lister, Religion and the World, November 26, 1967
God created space by in-breathing consciously until the condensed Substance expanded and filled the need for space in which the creation and gestating of all universes could be carried out. At the proper moment, an explosion of condensed Substance took place and the first three Emanations filled all space.–Edna Lister, The Universal Magna Carta, 1968
The creative plan formed by divine Mind was contained within that original Word that was God. The Word is the divine Magna Carta of God, containing every idea or need for the universes, the beginning, the end and everything between. We all emerged and descended from eternity into time and space. The time for the indrawing has come and an urgency to return from time and space to eternity is now possessing us.
All our difficulties arise from the fact that we reach for eternity without accepting our full responsibility for our own immortality, here and now. Eternity is ruled by the Mind of God; time and space are ruled by the minds of lesser degrees of consciousness, man for example—one pulls up and the other down.–Edna Lister, You Are an Ambassador of Peace, July 28, 1969
As a creator, you must lift your time and space into eternity now.–Edna Lister, Ascension Makes All Things New, July 5, 1970
God consciousness collapses space and time into eternity now. There is no “there” or “then,” only “here” and “now.”—Edna Lister, Stand, Endure and Hold, November 30, 1970
There is no time or space in eternity—all is The One. When you reach for eternity, space begins to collapse upon itself and you can stand as you did in the beginning, one with God.–Edna Lister, The High Altar, May 23, 1971
Edna Miriam Lister1884–1971
The original Pioneering Mystic,
Christian Platonist philosopher, American Idealist, Founder, Society of the Universal Living Christ, minister, teacher, author, wife, and mother.
Space is an absolute principle.
Space is an abstract principle.
Space is a Via Christa Degree.
Harper, Douglas. Online Etymology Dictionary, 2024.
The Holy Bible. King James Version (KJV).
Huggett, Nick, Carl Hoefer, and James Read, "Absolute and Relational Theories of Space and Motion." The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Summer 2023 Ed., Edward N. Zalta & Uri Nodelman (eds.) [accessed February 25, 2024].
The Oxford English Dictionary: Compact Ed., 2 vols. E.S.C. Weiner, ed., Oxford University Press, 1971.
Webster, Noah. s.v. Machine,
Webster’s American Dictionary of the English Language. New York: S. Converse, 1828.
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