Edna Lister on Conquering Self 1970 to 1971

Edna Lister held to a grueling schedule whenever she campaigned in the cities that were on her regular ‘circuit’ of Light. In addition to her public lectures, speeches and sermons, she regularly corresponded with students, and met with them in personal counseling clinics and private group meetings in cities across the country.

The entries in Conquering Self are drawn from her students’ personal notes. A few of them took shorthand, but very few took down everything she said. Most people write down what strikes them as important, so their notes may seem choppy, jumping from topic to topic. Despite a lack of elegance in Conquering Self, some pioneering mystics find this collection to be of the greatest practical help to them. Enjoy!

— Linda Mihalic, Via Christa site editor

Conquering Self 1970

Divine compassion flows from above and needs no words for expression. A simple glance of compassionate restraint can penetrate another soul’s anger to quell his irritation and impatience when you think to him, ‘Be gentle with your soul, for I know you need help.’ A kind glance can penetrate and deflate his anger, but he can easily ignore or block a glare from his mind. – Edna Lister, January 2, 1970.

To build a greater soul wisdom, ask the Father for a new release of Power and for the ability to apply His gifts to your life and to what you are doing. Increase the depth of your appreciation and gratitude as well, making thanksgiving a constant song in your heart to Him. In worship, let your joyful praise, and gratitude fly high on wings of devotion and love for God. Let it go forth to encompass not only earth, but all God’s Creation. This is how to reach a high point in releasing His Power, making you a precision instrument in its working of glory, to the greatest extent of your capacity!

When you can finally muster the desire and grit to hold your own soul’s every gain, then every hour will be a gain in ascension for you and for the world. This is what it will take to open the greatest Age of Glory the world has ever seen. – Edna Lister, January 4, 1970.

When life run smoothly, you tend to let down in prayer — you can see where this leads, and it’s no place for you to settle down. Use the calm periods in life to fill a great backup sphere with Light that will aid you to withstand any worldly blow. You never know when a blow from the world will strike. If someone you are lifting lets go, the recoil of force follows the line right back to you, the lifter. Then you can answer any outer call instantly from your sphere of reserve Light-as-Power overhead. When the reserve sphere opens, your Guards will replenish the reserve with another sphere. The Power covers any real need, but not if you ask for something petty or selfish. The Power released condenses invisible substance to become visible as your prayed-for miracle.

Resurrect your little self from old habits, patterns, and ruts in thinking and desires every night by raising your hands and recharging each cell of your body. Do not waste any Power moving through your body at night; zipper yourself in Light to repair the body by morning. Do this for your loved ones also. – Edna Lister, January 8, 1970.

The subconscious mind translates heavenly truths and reality into earth language because that is all it knows how to do. You may not hold a high place on the inner and tell others about it here on earth. Your descriptions will sound like loony delusions to them at best. So, maintain wise and golden silence! Praise God, love Him, and remain in a shaft of Light constantly.

To escape the grip of selfish thoughts of ‘I need this’ or ‘I want that,’ treat yourself for greater appreciation of what you already have: Praise God a thousand times an hour for the good in your own life, and offer praise on behalf of your fellow man, too. It takes a super-human effort to offer enough praise, so make praise a divine habit! Ascend into the Light, praising God by the hour, because when you stand on the law of ‘Seek ye first the kingdom of God,’ you are there. Stand in your own shaft of Light until you can see the Light surrounding the one you are lifting. That’s how you know that you are in the Light.

Don’t be too interested in how others are doing or dwell on another soul’s application of law — it will only interfere with your work. I stand and wait to see the Light surrounding the soul I am meeting in a private appointment because it reveals the soul’s logjam of spiritual taints and debts, which shows me where I can speak the Word to break it up, or whether I need to continue waiting upon the Lord for the right time to speak. Even if they never return, I have done my work for the Father. This is the Via Christa work.

When you allow self to fill your mind with thoughts that another is interfering with your personal work, you will never be able to finish what you need to do until you cleanse your mind of the distraction. When someone interferes with your work, ask, ‘Is what you need something that only I can provide? I am so busy right now.’ Look right at the person and praise God mentally. Pay no attention to any feeling of irritation, whether yours or his. Work at praising God a thousand times an hour, for you must work at being God-conscious constantly to overcome your self-indulgences. – Edna Lister, January 8, 1970.

As you begin to understand and know that you really can love God more today than you did yesterday, you realize that there is always a higher Source of Light to ascend to, and you work harder to ascend, not just to think about it. As your Oversoul awakens it begins to o’ershadow you for high moments of soul illumination. The glory of the days you nearly reach the Source act as the spur to your greater efforts to ascend. Before this, you cannot really imagine the increase in your personal responsibility or the effects of any disobedience to law. You then see that the law then is so stringent and inflexible — it can’t be changed to suit any personal wants or desires. At this point, you find yourself driven to always praise everything, to praise God a thousand times an hour to endure the cleansing of your soul’s taints! You are experiencing this now, so know that when you feel stuck, only praise can free you.

Discipline your little self to love God without considering any darkness. See evil, recognize it only to lift its effects. No idle words are permissible, no asking, ‘What should I do?’ in an initiation. The answer is always the same, ‘This is GOOD! Let there be Light!’ Declare it good and declare it Light.

In the morning, stand by your bed, reach for the stars and say, ‘Name, get into your body and reinflate the atoms!’ This will raise your impulsive-appetitive soul, your self, resurrect your body from the dead and make you alive, alert and aware for your day’s work. Before going to sleep, stretch out on a cloud for your night’s soul flight.

You cannot have God and anything else, for God is all there is. Everything is good, according to its degree and kind. If you declare what another does or says is good, God will make it good, and will release the Power he needs to pay his soul debts. The Elect are creator gods who must picture people and events as being perfect. ‘God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.’ – Genesis 1:3-4. God declared His Creation good, so could it become a greater good. All you need to do is just to declare, ‘This is Good! Let there be Light!’ The Light knows exactly what to do.

Your utimate destiny is to be enfolded into the Whole. You take yourself into the enfolding, but what kind of person are you taking? Do you believe as the Father believes, as He looks out on Creation and sees the Good? He can act to remedy what some embodied souls do to distort His Creation only when one of His Elect speaks the Word that enables Him to work through that soul to make it good. Are you contributing to the good?

You must answer these and certain other questions from every phase of life. ‘Is this good?’ How can it be made into God’s good unless you speak the Word? So, every miraculous act requires a payment in advance, and ongoing payments to hold the miracle in manifestation. Someone must pay all the debts before the complete enfolding can come. How many lines of responsibility to the world are you lifting back into the Light?

Add your share to ‘This is good! Let there be Light!’ God does not ask you to see what the good in it is, but to release the Power for a miracle. For more miracles, just declare it good — ‘This is good and very good! Let there be Light!’ The Power goes forth everywhere to pay debts to free people to ascend. Their Guards will pick up their lines of Light and release the needed Power. All the extra good returns to you as added glory for saying, ‘This is good and very good! Let there be Light.’ The Father will make it good.

Go to bed at night having sworn to lift and to face a new day of glory. You must resurrect yourself every night by raising your hands to recharge and resurrect each cell in your body. Then zip yourself into a suit of Light to repair the body by morning.

All the laggards must incarnate until they wipe their soul records clean. Anyone who loves God and desires to be the servant of all the Power can ascend the physical body as the Master did. Step from the line of fate to the path of destiny. Climb the highway of Light, and carry all your lines of responsibility along with you.

Throughout life the silver cord remains attached to the Oversoul star. When you leave the Light by indulging in negativity, you repudiate your Oversoul, which must withdraw. Senility is one effect of such repudiation.

When you do not understand something, say, ‘Thank Thee, Father. Let there be Light!’ and understanding comes because you have believed to see. – Edna Lister, January 12, 1970.

God has held us through the darkness of night, has given us more than we have earned, strengthened us beyond any past strength, and has made it impossible for us to depart from His glory. We are One with Him, from the Source to this outermost station of love, servants to do His will, to finish the glory of this great Day of Creation, to bring the remainder of darkness into the Light, wherever we step. Let us lift and be that cleansing glory. – Edna Lister, January 18, 1970.

Cleansing taints from the mind and soul is difficult. The Power that you have invoked from your Oversoul star eventually returns to you, so send it upward as praise in devotion and worship. Use a scooping motion to gather it together with your arms of Light. Use a lifting motion to send it to a cloud continent of Light for its first purification. Then see it enter a shaft of fire to ascend through heavenly altars into the original Emanations to perfect it for healing and for the final enfolding. – Edna Lister, January 25, 1970.

[This woman’s business partner was issuing ultimatums.] No one has the right to tell you that you must give up your study and work of ascension because she thinks it wastes your time better spent on her project! Sweetly and firmly say that you can’t stop your inner work for the outer — not ever. You can’t live life in bondage to another soul’s dictation — it would put the dictator’s soul in the dark. Your work of prayer and freeing her from what has become an actual obsession will cause the business to succeed! Turning it over to her, money and all, will free you! – Edna Lister, January 25, 1970.

Once you have gained sufficient understanding, you begin to acquire the comprehension to hold your soul’s gains. It takes complete comprehension of law to hold what you have gained, otherwise law remains vague to you and inapplicable to your life. – Edna Lister, February 1, 1970.

Hold all self in abeyance before the altar for three days before and after Ash Wednesday because you need to be sufficiently contrite. Prostrate your self until every cell in your body is praising God. If you have paid attention to what coworkers, friends, neighbors and family have said to you and about you, you are following the world and pandering to darkness. When you are really loving God, all this falls away from your consciousness.

Only God can tell how much and how greatly any soul prays. Your acceptance and nonresistance gives the other fellow room to receive his needed credits. Praise him for being so wonderful and he expands. After all, it must be wonderful to feel as good and virtuous as he does! You can put the criticizer to flight with praise. Don’t feel hurt by anything he says he thinks about you.

A note on penury: It’s odd to be proud of giving a ‘widow’s mite’ when you could be giving like a millionaire.

We worship God as principle and personality, and believe that heaven is both a state of consciousness and a place. When you lack identity with the Source, you lack security on earth. To have a stable identity with God, you need a permanent, immovable Source, which is the underlying reason for all the peoples, races, nations, tribes and clans, who believe that they need to worship together as individual groups separate from all others.

To have a secure identity with God, He must be your reason for being, one that is so much greater than self. Religion and science are the two pillars flanking the gate to the Way of Life. Religion gives us a spiritual Source, a beginning, while science gives us the means of expression for right living on earth. – Edna Lister, February 5, 1970.

Desiring personal credits for doing the work is a main cause of failure among the ascending Elect, for you can return to the Source only through full and complete sacrifice to be used by God’s Mind and Power. To be and to do as a sheer and perfect reflex is the full secret of soul ascension. So, merely to ‘Let go and let God’ is kindergarten work compared to what lies ahead. – Edna Lister, February 14, 1970.

In holding another in Light, do not demand that he comes up to your grade, but pray that he is good in his own grade, and lives up to its laws. If someone pronounces judgment on another's ascension grade, gently ask several questions such as: ‘Do you have some special word from the inner on this? Have you received this from a Council? Do you realize that you have tied him to your coat tails and become responsible for paying his debts? Are you comfortable with that?’ Remind them that they still have time to repent. Handle such matters this way.

To encourage your own soul growth, stand before the altar and declare, ‘I am a voice of law — and I expect a miracle!’ This is the size of the tree that grows from a mustard seed. To expand beyond the self, you must expand in soul, not with a swelled head of ego. – Edna Lister, March 5, 1970.

How to run a vacuum cleaner of Light: Declare, ‘Let every word I have spoken, shine! Let the new Light cleanse every taint, slight or indifference from the records of my past. Let every line I have declared lifted be lifted again this hour. If I left a line loose, a hollow or limitation, I declare it is caught up in Thy new glory. Father, please redouble my abilities to lift.’

‘Let whatever I have named or spoken for in the Name of Thy Son, Jesus the Christ, be vitalized and quickened until all those lines neglected and forgotten are again caught up in arms of Light and ascended. Let each one become a shining new channel of Light to cleanse all earth of evil. Let Light loosen and lift every taint of evil into a trough of Light to feed the fires of glory and ascension to a shaft of Light. Thank You, Father, for the manifestation brought into Light and perfection, working to Thy honor and glory, added things, added glories and a sense of oneness and being held closely in Thy heart.’ – Edna Lister, March 15, 1970.

Freedom does not mean you are impervious, so always surround yourself with Light. Stand in balance under the Light and accept whatever comes to you. Freedom of soul is freedom which leaves you invulnerable, untouchable except to make wrong things right. – Edna Lister, March 23, 1970.

‘Ye have heard that it hath been said by them of old time, Thou shalt not forswear thyself, but shalt perform unto the Lord thine oaths: But I say unto you, Swear not at all; neither by heaven; for it is God’s throne: Nor by the earth; for it is his footstool: neither by Jerusalem; for it is the city of the great King. Neither shalt thou swear by thy head, because thou canst not make one hair white or black.’ – Matthew 5:33-36. You may not make a willful vow, or a vow that abridges the law.

‘Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.’ – Hebrews 11:1. ‘In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.’ – John 1:1-3. Everything that was made was made of Light. Time and space have collapsed now, and we are dwelling in eternity.

When you are in physical need and others are so concerned that they want you to have medical aid, do so. – Edna Lister, April 2, 1970.

To ascend from outer hearing to inner listening is a process that takes time and the practice of a perfect inner stillness of heart and mind. – Edna Lister, April 26, 1970.

Edna Lister describes being in the Abyss to Becoming Light: It is the oddest feeling to face eternity and not to know where your form would be, what it would be, or where you would do your work. I’ve always stood between earth and the Master’s Legions to speak the Word for them to act on behalf of the Elect. I’ve appreciated the tremendous work they do.

I was taken into the vastness of eternity until every part of me was there. I actually lived there, in eternity, experiencing it. It was peculiar, not suffering, not actual pain or grief, yet it’s bigger than all of those ideas. I can’t explain. It makes you smile at those who say, ‘God doesn’t feel as we feel.’ You can’t appreciate it without being it, experiencing it.

However, such a supreme experience does show you the difference between wanting to give so that the other person will stand with you, seeing as you see, or giving to keep the doors and windows wide open so that at the right time, when the other person is ready, the right words will be there to guide him, to bring him in just as far as possible. If you don’t become a witness to what you know as truth, how are others to know the words, the vibration, to open the door at their moment of speculation? When the other fellow hears what you have said and takes it in to make it his, who really deserves the credit? God! No matter what others do or claim, make certain that you don’t take credit anywhere — this is important.

As you ascend, you find yourself with an ever greater, more abundant consciousness of the meaning of words. When you are given an idea, ponder the words you shall use to express it, for in this lies your creativity. Hold the world up in your hands for the Light of God to penetrate, and you will be given meanings for the words you speak and write, meanings beyond your immediate knowledge. Perfect practice makes perfect, so practice being a servant of God, being ready to be used, as if you know nothing.

When you go to God, go without any sense of getting anything — go because you cannot bear to be any farther away from Him. A golden cord, the measure of the depth of your desire and need to be with God, stretches to the Source, and the Father pours power, strength, and glory through it. Go to Him with your eyes veiled, but bursting with love and adoration — when you return, your soul's eyes and ears are open. – Edna Lister, May 1, 1970.

Every member of the Elect must be gathered up out of the lethargy of self-satisfaction. Every self-indulgence has to be lifted. Let self be wiped out in joy. Live life, but not as a worm, a bug or a human next to the creature stage — as a creator god. – Edna Lister, May 4, 1970.

Unless you continually hear, hearken, heed, and obey law, you will slowly regress. One round of self-indulgence can start your slide to a lowered vibration, and it’s not not the road to take. Give up your self-indulgence of letting personality excuse selfishness. You have conquered every step of the way you have come with no backsliding, so let no one plant an idea that you have not conquered permanently. One day you will rejoice and be glad that you were given such a family to provide your lesson-experiences, for what you have learned is forever. To ascend every negative word before you speak it is all you need to do. No one can touch your soul or move you from the path. – Edna Lister, May 6, 1970.

Forgetting is a sign of desiring to escape responsibility, a feeling of repression. Consciousness drops back to the seat of Satan at the solar plexus when you think you are doing too much. Self promotes the idea that if you do not see it or hear it, you need not do it. Thus, you can go to sleep, but such self-indulgence causes the nerves to atrophy. The treatment is to give up self.

Many children of the coming age will be mental giants. The promptness with which miracles are granted shall be like explosions, but controlled and working together for the whole world’s good. – Edna Lister, May 7, 1970.

Ascend and descend slowly when you go out at night or when you are seeing and hearing. You can get the spiritual bends [decompression sickness] by going too quickly. Shocking someone back into his body is dangerous. You must work by functioning as the power; otherwise, it acts as a blotter and brings whatever it touches back to you. You can activate God’s Power anytime anywhere by speaking the Word.

Healing is a direct result of being able to move from a lesser vibration or state of consciousness to a higher vibration with a correspondingly higher state of consciousness. Physical healing is a result of more Light, more Power, and more substance moving into the body. You can do only two things to substance — raise or lower its rate of vibration. This either invigorates or makes you ill. You cannot change universal substance, for God has written His name, which is Good, on the heart of every life spark. So God’s name on earth is Good, and every life spark responds when called by name.

Prayer raises your vibration for Light to move in to melt, dissolve, and absorb all darkness. It is up to the soul whether the healing is quick or slow. The healing can be no greater than the combined state of consciousness of the healer and the one being healed. For true healing, you must surrender all self to God. Soul taints block healing, so you must eradicate them through sacrifice of the self. They are your treasures of darkness. First you must learn what your taints are. Make every day a day of judgment of self.

Put on a mask of Light to filter the magnetic currents, and breathe deeply, for it helps form a protective sheath around you. The eye of the mind is the third eye, the seat of soul vision, which reveals the mysteries. ‘And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb. In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.’ – Revelation 22:1-2. Truth and purified love are the leaves for the healing of nations.

‘And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads. And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth.’ – Revelation 12:3-4. Darkness is a symbol of the dragon that dragged a third of the stars from heaven. Some people are still in the beast’s clutches. The mark of the beast in this age is on those who choose to sell their souls to materialism and commercialism.

To meet challenges and to have power over nations and universes, use your tools of desire, thinking, and imagination to conquer. The morning star (Revelation 2:28) is compassion and love. Look at people who curse you, and mentally declare, ‘I never heard you,’ then God can wipe out their words.

You may pick up the lines of Light of every great soul who has lived in an area if you constantly hold the consciousness of standing on holy ground, and know that fire will spring up wherever you step. Surround each nation and city with fire, from the center of the earth to the center of the universe. You can build walls of fire between nations, and God can use you to scrape the hidden evil from the minds and hearts of those you contact during the day. Let no hidden taints remain in your wake. – Edna Lister, May 8, 1970.

Light dissolves a tumor, but the complete conquering is forgetting it ever existed. Burning away the silver cord is a delicate operation for one strand at a time must be separated and cleansed. Expand your mustard seed of faith to cast out the devil of self. Cast your mountain of self into the deep sea. Wither the barren fig tree to shrink and dissolve evil. This is how to get rid of earth’s anchors to ascend.

Pay no attention to darkness as it rears its head. The fact that the masses of humanity cannot or do not spiritually see and hear the truth is how God protects us from the disastrous choices of those who are so lacking in logic, reason, discernment, discrimination, and discretion. Firmness of soul stands and declares, ‘This shall not pass. Let the new heaven and earth of the original Magna Carta come to pass.’ Remain uninvolved in earth’s darkness emotionally, but cast the mountain into the sea (Mark 11:23) until even the very memory of it is gone. – Edna Lister, May 11, 1970.

Whenever your conquering of self promotes you to a new level, you must apply law in a new way. Losing sight of how to apply a new law is tricky. Every promotion is a resurrection: You must resurrect the best of the old as the basis for your new application. A new interpretation does not change the law, but expands its meaning, and this leads to much greater comprehension. – Edna Lister, May 13, 1970.

You must live on the physical, emotional-mental and spiritual levels simultaneously to clean up your soul taints. Premonitions come from the subconscious mind, so if you fill it with self, it cannot operate as intended. It cannot warn you to take your umbrella, turn off the gas, etc. Cleansing self from the subconscious is like cleaning a garbage can.

You are a soul, whole and complete, and to express completely, you must obey every law. The mouth uses the spoken word. The pineal body, which functions illumination, opens first. The pituitary gland functions intuition. The left parathalamus functions as color and seeing. The right parathalamus functions as tone and hearing. The pituitary gland functions as number, the pineal body functions as form.

The conscious mind takes care of the outer work, while Oversoul pulls you to the stars, to ascend. Remember to pray that the darkness is lifted from earth all day, every day. Do not be a laggard. When the Father looks down, what are you doing? Yet He charges His angels to watch over you and they do. You are among the first to live in this new state of glory, the Magna Carta, the great charter of law for the whole world. – Edna Lister, May 14, 1970.

Stand and give God all the limitations the world hands you. A ram in bushes will always be waiting for you when you sacrifice the firstborn of selfish will and desires. Whatever comes unexpected, look around and see where God has hidden a sacrificial ram for the next step, and wait. The door shall spring wide open. – Edna Lister, May 18, 1970.

People’s thoughts and emotions can touch you, regardless of whether you are aware of them. Emotional, mental, and physical stress and tension can cause you to go to sleep in consciousness unless you deliberately give it to the Father and relax.

The ‘wrath of God’ is Power moving through the spoken Word to separate evil from the Light. One day, you shall declare, ‘I knew my Father could win.’ Let the Light do the winning. Do not allow a less-than-great thought to enter. Think of a vast star, breathe deeply, and let the Source of nonresistance descend as glory and Power to fill it. You shall know that the life lines you hold work together for good and glory. – Edna Lister, May 21, 1970.

A philosopher once said that the Bible is written under the principle of tone and expresses the music of the spheres in words. The soul who reads it with that in mind will hear the music of the spheres. – Edna Lister, May 24, 1970.

Under high prayer, inhale a full breath, think of the Source, and you will partake of Light and have miracles and answers to questions. Whomever you bring into this prayer vibration will also have miracle after miracle. Do you desire to be possessed of glory? Then reach for it, and hold it. Declare, ‘Father, gather me in. I surrender. Hold me close that I shall accomplish Thy love and ascension work." – Edna Lister, May 25, 1970.

If you break one law, you break them all. It is an emotional and mental matter. One absolute law divides into at least a million relative laws. Everything is in a state of vibration. The cells, atoms, and electrons of your body all vibrate. If you break a law, you lower the composite vibration in your whole body. It’s like an out-of-tune instrument in a symphony. You must fulfill law here without leaving the high altar. Recalling all the laws that you have learned in following the Via Christa is hard. This work builds to include everything you study, think, and express. – Edna Lister, May 26, 1970.

No matter what gate closes before you, another will open, which will allow you to hold fast to the special line of Light that leads to God. Sometimes, when a new line opens and an old gate closes, something seems lacking in the new. Stand still and look up, reach up and know that Power will descend from above far exceeding and excelling what came through the old gate. Stand and know; watch and wait. Do not use force. Refuse nothing, but wait upon the Lord. Listen to everything and know that you shall be told without doubt when the right choice comes. – Edna Lister, May 27, 1970.

When you disobey, you separate Power from Mind and Substance. You must redeem Substance and add it to Mind, but when you misuse Power as force, you can lift it only through the physical. Real Power from the Source descends — the force goes to a high altar. When you lift and desire to help, you do help. – Edna Lister, May 28, 1970.

Periodically, all initiations are based on a single point, such as, ‘No task is too hard or too long.’ You will be called on to repeat the same tests under different conditions with different people, but for a task that lasts too long, watch. – Edna Lister, May 31, 1970.

The power of money is the Power of God being focused held and on the needy, so that whatever is needed shall be attended to. – Edna Lister, June 1, 1970.

Praying begins with deep breathing, opening the vital centers to whirl before prayer, and declaring it good. ‘Here it is Father. I return this to Thee as love.’ – Edna Lister, June 3, 1970.

At night, stand, reach for the stars, and breathe deeply. The three higher breaths (Mind, Substance, and Power) descend and join the four breaths of the solar plexus, the four elements, earth, fire, air and water. Thus, the three falls into the four, the perfect seven breaths. When you descended, you brought Mind, Substance, and Power to use — now, as you ascend, you must redeem it all, and return it to God, purified. – Edna Lister, June 4, 1970.

The one thing to hold, to grasp and never lose is to watch the past while in the present. In several lives you have lost on small points. Yet you must watch the little things and conquer them to be great. Light will not tolerate the pseudo-perfect or one who thinks of herself as already being perfect. Be as perfect as possible, as perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect. Heed every flaw and make it into perfection. Unless you do this as a phase of your daily living, a discrepancy will appear. When you give law mildly, coolly, it is vital and self-sustained. Thus, you clear your pathway of blocks, rubbish, and barriers to your expression. Always be ready to give up a little more self. – Edna Lister, June 11, 1970.

Do not follow the false gods of self-blame and self-guilt, which are the heaviest. Do not worship them. The instant one rears its head, take it to the guillotine to be consumed. Remain purified and held in the Light. Let no one tear you down. If accused of anything foolish, lay it on the altar for lifting. – Edna Lister, June 17, 1970.

Remember, it is not to be so high that is important, but to become the law of that height. Become each law as you ascend. This is the greatest law of ascension. I have opened the doors of the kingdom of heaven on this law. – Edna Lister, June 18, 1970.

Have you a personal measuring rod for your love? Have your compassion and love increased this past month? Have you surrendered enough for the Power to use you? Continue surrendering more self. The Power is increasing. God has increased the Power and Substance for your creations. You are in one place with one accord. You are consciously identifying with your Source. All you need to do is to take a deep breath. Your temperature should be higher, you should love more, be more compassionate, and have a more complete contact with your Father. – Edna Lister, June 21, 1970.

The Light is yours. You are the Light. The Light is One. There is no time or space. All your work is for the purpose of ascending, not through time and space, but to live in eternity now. You conform to the laws of time and space, but at the height of your Garden of Eden, you live in eternity. – Edna Lister, June 28, 1970.

As you perfect the past, you fill the present with the perfection of Almighty God. Love reaches out and draws the Substance to you, the Power and the glory to fill your life, and creates the miracles you have spoken. Love touches everyone connected with you and clears the way for perfection, the lifting and absorbing into the Light of all weakness. The perfection of the Almighty opens your eyes and ears to see and hear because of your devotion in standing and holding. – Edna Lister, August 2, 1970.

Let your heart express love. Reach up, expand and receive, and let the Power move through to do the perfect work. Reach up, so that the increased Power shall go through you, day by day, into your life, creating that which is the original perfect will of God, that each soul will express His image and likeness constantly, without ceasing – Edna Lister, August 30, 1970.

The Magna Carta must be opened and the Elect must continue ascending. The ceilings science has found above earth’s atmosphere are the veils of illusion. All levels of the universe have their levels of initiation. Many metaphysicians do not know that any levels exist beyond being a medium. A deathbed repentance opens the door, but does not pay a soul’s debts. Most think they are somehow made perfect after transition, with no effort on their part.

Our universal College of Ascension teaches chiropractic, diet, and nutrition. We teach that you may not use Power, but the spoken Word to heal. You can apply it to your own needs, too. All it takes is to declare ‘Let there be Light’ to focus it. You must speak the Word to focus the Light into a strong, bright ray to bring results. The ordinary Power in the breath of Life, which keeps the body healthy in normal conditions, does go through diseased tissue to heal, but it takes a long time to do so. So, you must focus Power and declare healing through the spoken Word to move it through as Light instantaneously.

Most students need to know how to apply common sense, not to depend on spiritual illumination for every answer. You must treat any diseased part in prayer and with the spoken Word. So many truth students die of disease because they are waiting for healing from some source external to their own desire and will. We know this is true because when the sick or afflicted asked Jesus to heal them, he asked them, ‘What do you want me to do for you?’ You release Power for specific reasons, but first, to heal the self, to give up all self. You can dilute the Power with a single word or thought of doubt. You can cut off the Power just by thinking about what you believe is wrong.

Do not ever break into the flow of teaching being given at inner order. Ask questions at a luncheon such as this one. You may ask questions whenever I am talking about world affairs, or what has happened or been done. Yet remain silent and listen whenever I say something like, ‘They showed me,’ or ‘I have seen.’ Use a just appraisal on the situation. Think about whether this is a good time to ask. Silently ask, ‘Is this a good time to ask a question?’ or ‘Is this a good time to make a suggestion?’ Apply all that you have learned in every situation, all the time. Yet, remember, you can always ask later. Better to be reprimanded than to sit in dumb silence forever. Apply discernment and discretion. Never break into the flow of a class to ask a question. Make a note of your question and ask later. – Edna Lister, September 3, 1970.

All is all, from the beginning to the end. Half of the universal substance is set aside while the other half is used for manifestation. Half of that half (one-quarter) is destined to become form. The remainder is set aside to become. You are the same being that God begot originally; the part of you that is ascending is the same, but you are becoming by gaining experience.

As you ascend, the appetitive soul moves up and the Oversoul descends. Eventually, Oversoul will replace your lifted appetitive soul. So, as you ascend through the Sources, the being you have become has changed from what was your point of origin because you have gained experience. It is simple to say, yet not simple at all to do. You must integrate it with my statement of years ago that ‘Teachers lie.’ Apparently they do, because what you see and experience is often so different from what they have told you. Yet they do not lie as you discover when you have ascended past that point. This is at the heart of Hermetic philosophy. The law says not to cast your pearls before swine. The swine symbolize repudiation of truth because it differs from what you currently perceive.

You have an incomplete soul pattern for living if you live most of the time mundanely, thinking about soul, law, and God only every so often. Your soul pattern must be your greatest and lasting interest. You take it into everything you do and your dealings with all people. Only those who are seeking to fulfill their soul pattern can recognize Source work when it is given, otherwise, it seems a mishmash. If you lose the thread of what you hear in a class, lecture, or sermon, your Guards can restore it to you later when you are reading your notes, if you ask their aid. If any interpreter of average intelligence interrupts in a lecture or class, surround him with Light. Do not let his confusion or questioning affect you.

Today’s lesson is on just appraisal as applied to the world of men, not to God’s inner kingdom. You are trained here and reprimanded here to remain silent during inner council meetings. Never speak over there until you can speak to and before all those who surround you. It is counted as an argument when you speak out of turn. Remain silent during any argument. Do not join in. Any argument against what another says is self-aggrandizement. You are given a voice on the inner only after you learn to remain silent. Just speak of law. ‘I seem to see a law in this. Could a law be like this?’ If the other person shares it, his Guard will let him. Just watch that the situation does not contaminate you with the urge to talk about it.

If you have received permission to speak, you will know that you have without doubt — you will not think that you have. When you have chosen to pay soul debts, yours or another’s, you may talk about it only when directed to do so from the inner. Do not jump to conclusions or think that you must train another. Yes, the subconscious mind must be cleansed, but love alone is not enough to do so. You must apply all your mental faculties in perception, and discipline the self’s urges to disobey. The subconscious mind can still spew its contents unless you hold it under a tight rein.

When you try to train people, you pay their soul debts. For example, if a student spews that he hates something or someone, and you say something such as, ‘I don’t like the word ’hate’’ to stop him from using it, you must work in Light on the world’s hate debts for twenty-four hours to redeem the force you used. Proclaim once, ‘Let all the world’s hate be lifted,’ then never again. Afterward you may simply say, ‘Let this vibration be lifted,’ as you continue treating that person. Remember to thank God 1,000 times an hour that the student’s hate is lifted. You must know the truth in the golden silence. When making a stand is necessary, instead of using words, just stand silently and on the level. It holds the other fellow. – Edna Lister, September 3, 1970.

The word ‘try’ is a complete unconscious disbelief in freedom to achieve, to do, to conquer, to climb. To know is the unconquerable attitude of ascending creator gods. If you stand, the Father glorifies Himself through you. If you live in Light and center your desire on perfection and following Jesus the Christ, any habit you are trying to overcome will fall away from you. Ascension is returning to your original Source, so your goal is even greater than the message.

Love, to God, must be an active compassion for humanity. Ascension automatically leads you into extended vision, for every gland and vital center to be awake and active. You clog your glands with idle words. You can create as great a block in your desire body with nerves as you can in your physical body with your digestion. Your great Guards create a vibration, but you must accept their presence to see and hear them. The goal is to be conscious of living in your desire, mental, and electronic fire bodies simultaneously, on all three levels at once. – Edna Lister, September 10, 1970.

Hold your place. Do not allow anything from the world to come near your dwelling, or body. Stand as the Light. Hold fast to the Light. Think Light. Become Light and it will do the work. – Edna Lister, October 18, 1970.

Expand the atoms of your mental body for balance and steadfastness. Declare, ‘Thank Thee, Father, that Thou hast moved in now and have possessed all evil. Thank Thee that evil knows it not but has become the builder of good. Fill each and o’ershadow their sheath still on earth to fulfill this Armageddon. Let all earth be possessed by the Light, by the glory and every country filled with glory and the new Magna Carta of Love shall prevail.’ – Edna Lister, October 22, 1970.

The whole world is beginning to acknowledge the communion of the saints, which is filling the world ever more completely. This acceptance is coming from pulpits and science, too, lifting us into Light. You have eyes to see, and ears to hear, and your eyes and ears are attuned. You are being ascended in physical vibration because time has been shortened and a new 7,000-year cycle is opening. You can expect repudiation of this along with greater sensitivity to it because a new degree of Power is coming directly from the Source. – Edna Lister, November 1, 1970.

Learn to be conscious of kneeling at the high altar above while working here, but lift evil on earth from above, not from here. You must recognize how you have ascended. Lack of recognition means pushing away the responsibility that goes with ascension. – Edna Lister, November 2, 1970.

Until Twelfth Night, the Elect take the Master’s personal joy initiations. Twelfth Night is our great feast day, the end the old year and beginning of the new year. What you do during next two months determines your status next year. Each month you take 144 steps of twelve virtues. You live by your own virtues. During November, you are living through the virtues you have earned in the past. So you are in preparatory work. It is your privilege to make up your credits, not a punishment.

On Twelfth Night you begin forty days of soul inventory, which means a just appraisal of your goal and how you will attain it. The more rejoicing you do now, the better. How active do you want to be? How many prayers and statements do you want to assume as your responsibility, not from the teeth out, but personally? What do you want to accomplish physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually? The closer you get to Light, the lighter life becomes on the outer. Your sensitivity is now greater. In your just appraisal of your past, you also plan the future. You oversee the mental and emotional, and that determines the physical.

At Ash Wednesday, you are supposed to know what you want to sacrifice. ‘I know, I stand, I hold in Light’ are magic words. In these weeks when I am with you, you must bring out taints for lifting and to develop the soul virtues. Stand and declare, ‘This is good. Let there be Light.’ Look in face of evil or criticism and say, ‘How beautiful you are.’ – Edna Lister, November 3, 1970.

How you fare depends on the quality of your worship and devotion. Ask, but not for self. Your help comes when you ask for others. You do not worship just one symbol for God, but worship all of God in a 24-hour a day process. You cannot love the world enough without loving God enough. – Edna Lister, November 5, 1970.

[This man had been using a symbol dictionary to interpret his dreams and pictures of imagination.] Do not allow yourself to become involved or bound in any way between the covers of a book. Do not seek answers in books. Study, but seek your answers from above, before any book was written. – Edna Lister, November 7, 1970.

The first real conquering is when you begin to bite your tongue. It’s a long step from biting your tongue to the point where you cannot criticize anything that earth produces — say, ‘Let there be Light.’ You can tell how far you have ascended — have you reached the point where everything happening in the world is Light? – Edna Lister, November 10, 1970.

Everything consists of the one substance. Do you realize love’s ability to expand life? In the world everything seems greater. Men’s words are expanding the world. They use the power according to their consciousness, but there is more talk, more of everything. You can see it in material ways. The variety of products and services represent the expansion of God’s substance. – Edna Lister, November 15, 1970.

You will meet the same lessons repeatedly until you conquer.

You are always in the Light, but what degree do you occupy? Do you know? What degree satisfies you? That is up to you. – Edna Lister, November 17, 1970.

God accepts what you give. If you are satisfied with your love and devotion to God, you are missing something. If missing something divinely dissatisfies you, you need to ascend higher in the Light in love and devotion to God. Have you put all you can into your devotion? Has your love of God and your devotion lifted you higher because you have called on more Light this week than ever before? – Edna Lister, November 22, 1970.

Someone asked the difference between Spirit, Light and soul substance: Light is all that is, the complete basic life sparks of the universe which must be used as creative substance. The first degree of substance under Light is Spirit. Spirit really is Light, that balanced portion, the divine spark of substance which comes through. Soul is Spirit and Light impregnated with divine Mind as overall substance. It contains the full Magna Carta of God, active and ready to be brought forth and used.

Spirit is all that is Light, the substance beyond where universes are gestated — everything beyond the manifest universes is undifferentiated Spirit. Mind has not yet designated rulership of that Spirit substance. It is not a particular substance, like the Light penetrating this room, but is substance not yet acted on by Mind. Yet they are all one in their different degrees. Spirit moves through you as life within the River of Life.

All souls have been impregnated with the Mind of God. Spirit permeates, but soul acts. If we were not permeated and penetrated with Spirit, we would not be alive. However, Spirit has no Power to act of itself. When you want action for a healing you do not say, ‘Let Spirit do the work,’ or just, ‘Let there be Light.’ Spirit acts forever, but when you say, ‘Let the Light move through’ an organ, you invoke the substance that makes the new and perfect organ.

Principle is the absolute universal, unchangeable, undeviating, immutable foundation on which all universes are based and established. We derive lesser relative laws from absolute laws, which became relative in their descent from the Source of All. Relative law is principle in action. For example, people often live by religious principles, which are modified to suit their environment, place in life, and the current circumstances. You cannot change principle, yet you often modify principle in your day-to-day dealings with people. Principle is Mind, Substance, and Power as one. Principle is all that is. Principle is truth. You cannot change it, but can bring it down to fit the moment’s need.

To say, ‘God uses me. He speaks through me’ is expressing a principle, but you may not say this indiscriminately. Bring the idea, the truth down to the other person’s level of understanding. You agree and adjust to a relative principle that is really a secondary law. For example, to say, ‘You are right,’ means he is right for himself at the moment, but not necessarily for you. – Edna Lister, November 24, 1970.

"I repent’ does not really count if you have not forgiven. ‘I didn’t mean it. I’m sorry, I’ll try’ — how often do you want to stamp those excuses on your mesh of Light? Let your new code of conduct be free of those words. The time has come for true soul repentance. In 2,000 years, the world has arisen from worldly darkness through Christ’s teachings. Now we must ascend. The sin is where you know better yet do not conquer.

If God is everywhere evenly present and available, you have all God, Power, Substance, knowledge and comprehension right here. You have no interference except from the little self. The ‘world’ is composed of people’s thinking and emotions. They create the world atmosphere. Cover your enemies’ transgressions by pouring love over them and gradually we will see the whole world healed and loving. – Edna Lister, December 14, 1970.

Do not identify with conflicts. Conflicts are a sin against the Holy Spirit, against your own identity. Either you believe that Light is all-curative or you do not. How can you have a cure if you are conflict-conscious? It is all a question of how great your desire for the Light is. This is emotional stuff, not concerning physical healing.

God needs no information about it. You need nothing but the Light — let it illuminate. When you want to hang onto the conflict, you identify with the conflict. This is self-indulgence. Let Light lift all self, then remain in the Light and see others as divine, on a cloud. Cut out everything but the need for healing by the Light. – Edna Lister, December 18, 1970.

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Conquering Self 1971

You are standing and shall continue to stand, for supreme strength has been released to you and shall continue to be released to you. In this is no wavering, no turning to the left or to the right. A straight path lies before you, so walk therein. Fulfill your destiny, and you shall stand and hold in endurance. These are the steps. You have no past, but only this moment, shining and golden. This is the truth. This is the Light. Nothing else exists, except in your mind. There is no pain, no evil, no darkness. Declare, ‘Thank Thee, Father, there is only Light.’ These are the only thoughts and words to use. – Edna Lister, January 3, 1971.

Create a greater sense of holding within your consciousness. It must become a part of your awareness as never before, a conscious sense of being held, lost for ages by some and only now being regained. Therefore, appreciate and hold consciously. Do not be satisfied with part-time knowing. A wholeness of being with the Father at every point of outer time must become an established fact for you.

Always feel God’s arms of Light holding you, allowing you freedom to choose and move, but always holding. All the Elect have been neglectful in this. You need not take time to sit or be in absolute silence. Grow in living by soul-consciousness until this is your personal moment-by-moment closeness and consciousness. Twenty-four hours a day joy consciousness is a must, constantly conscious of being in God’s arms. – Edna Lister, January 7, 1971.

Ash Wednesday: We now enter forty days of Soul Inventory in which we review the past year’s initiations, what we accomplished and what remains undone. Tonight you set the amount of Power your heart will take for Ash Wednesday and Pentecost. What do you plan to inventory on Ash Wednesday? Include everything that you have worked at or lost track of, everything you have allowed to hold you back.

You cannot render another in your image and likeness. Yet you can ask the Father to release Light for him. When you try to change another, or interfere when you think he is not coming through, you put a block in the path of every one of your projects. Everyone must work to lift the blocks they have created. Lift the other fellow into the Light and he will work it up and out. Release double Power for every critical project and everything that hasn’t come through, and the Father will promote it a thousandfold and give you the kingdom.

Everyone is ascending as fast as possible. They come to us when they are enfolded in the Light. Put them in the Light. Fill the unemployed with supreme Light and send Light to their last position to bring it together for the next door to open. You cannot work on scattered ideas or force. Fill their auras with Light and declare, ‘You are filled with Holy Spirit. You are filled with divine Mind."

Divine Mind is God, always actively speaking to us. Love, filling your memory of last year’s initiations, will supply your chart of needed sacrifices of self. Be sure to check for pride, desire for praise, and that you are not unconsciously, inadvertently demanding greater credits for what you have accomplished through release of Light. Are you in love with God? Are you offering praise a thousand times an hour to hold earth in an orbit of glory? – Edna Lister, February 4, 1971.

The love of the Elect has collapsed time and space — no abysses remain between us and the Sources. The Light shines through them all. There is no consciousness of time or space. On earth, we seem to have time and space, but we really live in eternity. God sent us forth from eternity, and our struggle has been to transcend time and space. We have been on earth, but we are of heaven. We have allowed ourselves to become entangled in materiality. As you awaken the 1,000-petaled crown lotus in the mental body, you become aware of this. As Solomon made 1,000 days of burnt offerings, so you must live 1,000 days without a negative expression.

Use the rotary treatment over the head for dizziness. The crown lotus does not always track along the hairline. Every petal of your crown lotus is awake, agitated and ready to grow up and contact divine Mind instantly, to lift vagueness, darkness, disease and discomfort. Divine Mind is moving in, whether you know it or not. – Edna Lister, February 14, 1971.

You are growing. You do not realize how much you bring through for your education and study of laws, until suddenly it will be clear before you. One day you shall awaken and have a perfect day, which will be your sign that you have broken through your past inhibitions. – Edna Lister, March 29, 1971.

Idle words, intolerance and impatience could melt and dissolve all the work you have done and you would have to redo it. Make no demands; it is too expensive a price to pay. The Power is so great. Do not take offense at anything the world can do if you want the Power of the Holy Spirit to use you. Even if you must add to what you have, your results will be great.

Plan your service ahead so that God can send you twice as much Power to release for what you owe. We are at the beginning of the end. On Easter, the full Magna Carta, the finale of the last Day of Manifestation came forth. The Power released is for the last 1,000 years of the last cycle of seven, and the first of the next 1,000 years. Spiritual eyes will be opened as never before. Accept and watch for it. Your devotion must be supreme, not partly or maybe.

You can be as perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect. What thing of earth is greater than God? Your every thought can come into being. Do not block your vision. Only the self can block the soul’s vision. No matter how black a situation looks, say, ‘This is good,’ and believe it. If it looks black, you still declare it good, and it turns white. God is still speaking to us. In the midst of that which seems a no, which seems impossible to the world, God’s possibilities burst on you with glory. – Edna Lister, April 15, 1971.

To pray without ceasing isn’t a mental act involving just words. It means to be possessed by a Oneness with all that is. As you hold to the Light, just feel that oneness enfolding you. – Edna Lister, May 6, 1971.

People who get stuck in an endless loop are the laggards with whom we often work.

Make your statements positive, without any undercurrent of doubt or fear. Declare, ‘Law is working for the good of Creation. There is but one glory, and that glory shall blind the minds and hearts of the evil.’ Increase the quality of your praise and rejoicing to release greater Power to overcome evil as it arises. Stand, know, lift, and love. Reach for the stars. Reach for greater service.

God returns your praise to add to your joy. You are lifted into the miracles of the Seven Degrees. You may not see the immediate appearance of the miracles you ask for because your request must move through time and space. You are not working with metaphysics or psychology but with absolute visions of the Magna Carta, the great charter of universal law. You are visualizing absolute wisdom, and being trained to stand in the absolute Trinity of God, the Wisdom, Love and the Logos of the ancients. – Edna Lister, May 13, 1971.

Always be prepared for an increase in the release of Power. A migraine, a blow to the emotions or nerves may mean a certain type of Power is sent forth to lift your beloved ones and to hold earth. – Edna Lister, May 14, 1971.

Power is increasing through the world now, and as it does, the world ascends higher. Many governments are now required to do what they vowed they would not do. {For example, permitting the United Nations to replace our Constitution.} Beyond the altar here, you may look through to the glory of God Almighty, or to worldly things. You can choose to open your inner eyes, but you must desire it with all your heart, soul and mind. Be prepared. Love enough. Let your love grow and expand. – Edna Lister, May 16, 1971.

What do we mean by lifting? ‘Let there be Light. I lift this into the Light.’ When you reach out with arms of Light and gather in misused life sparks, the Father sends forth a magnetic vibration that calls the life sparks together by name and number. As you reach out and say, ‘Use me to lift,’ this magnetism gathers all ruptured life sparks in the city and directs them into purifying fires.

For example, a stroke explodes some portion of the brain cells, which the soul then must rebuild. The brain cells are composed of life sparks, the same as those primordial life sparks that fill all space, but named and numbered with a specific soul’s eternal identity. When blown out on earth, they float as life sparks, yet retain their individual name and number. To build back the brain cells following a stroke takes at least a decade.

Your soul’s number and name are on every life spark of your spiritual, mental, desire, and physical bodies. That substance belongs to you as a soul, and carries your eternal identity. You build a new sheath for every incarnation (in the ark of the mother, the womb) with substance, numbered named with your unique identity — no one else can be you. You must redeem and take your life sparks with you as you ascend. When you incarnate, you have the equipment to build a beautiful body. If you misuse your soul substance, you must wait until someone sponsors you or offers to lift it. You can ask that a soul’s life sparks be lifted and his Guards will receive them. Principle — Mind, Substance, and Power — goes forth as Light when you raise your hands. If you send Power out as force, it becomes sin-tainted until you rejoin it to Mind and Substance. Call down clouds of Light to absorb it.

Idle words create clouds of darkness. Yet just declarations of lifting will not eradicate the force you create through idle words or in anger. You redeem force through some object — your body, car, house or some other personal object. Ordinary sinners use their soul substance. However, if you have made soul vows, you may not use your soul substance, so you pay through the body. God originally gave you substance from the Source, for which you are responsible throughout time. When you pass over, you attend school and gather your neglected life sparks. You seldom return to earth until you have gathered in your soul substance.

When I say, ‘Let there be Light,’ I draw in my own misspent life sparks. You can invest your life sparks in another through love, hate, jealousy, or through any strong emotion. To redeem those life sparks, you can only unfasten yourself by lifting yours and the life sparks of the soul in whom you invested them. Pure love is an investiture, but not bondage. It is bondage only when you based it on grief or criticism, resentment, etc.

God has given you the Power to say, ‘Let there be Light,’ and to let that Light be a magnet for lifting. When I am told to speak a name, I reach out, and the Guard who has charge over that embodied soul appears. Then I say, ‘I now reach out with my arms of Light and gather in the life sparks that Name has misused.’ The vibration of the Word reaches out, the Father sends a magnetic vibration that calls the life sparks that are named and numbered to my hands, and the Guard receives them. Reach up, contact a high vibration and ask that a thousandfold magnetic attraction radiates from your hands to do the needed lifting. Each soul must recall every misused life spark to be purified in fire, and it takes centuries. Life sparks cannot be lost, but identity can be. – Edna Lister, May 20, 1971.

Resurrect yourself before you go to sleep at night. Let Light from the Source flow through your body all night. – Edna Lister, May 23, 1971.

The line of responsibility has no end, but you may not take it in then spew it out. Do not criticize or ask why. Accept what family and friends are handing you, and lift them. – Edna Lister, May 24, 1971.

Collecting and hoarding can degenerate into a spiritual leprosy, and an all-consuming dry rot in the bones and brain cells. This physical disease is not contagious, which is why doctors cannot treat it successfully. This extremity can ultimately lead to a soul-cleansing if the soul turns again to God before he goes out, or his polluted life sparks can lose identity. The golden calf worship, for example, was the culmination of following evil casually, without discernment, discrimination, or discretion. – Edna Lister, May 24, 1971.

Your path is like an ascending escalator filled with people holding empty cups for you to fill. When you help another, you fill his cup with love. When his cup is empty, he returns for a refill. Do not worry whether he loves you, he needs you and you can give the love. Stop looking backward on the path. Look to the future and always be ready to fill a cup. Let each cup run over.

At night, pray to bring spiritual substance through as the material substance you need to build a new body. Say, ‘Let abundant Light go to earth.’ When you pray nightly, fill your own star with spiritual substance to fill your prayer molds for physical healing. According to your faithfulness and devotion, the miracle works here.

You go where you believe you will, like the man who planned to draw 144,000 to himself. He formed a cloud and it became so crowded that they pushed him off. He formed another cloud and now it, too, is filled. – Edna Lister, May 27, 1971.

Senility is based in repudiation, refusing to recognize or accept personal responsibility. The soul brings the tendency not to awaken enough active cells of acceptance with them. Repudiation and rejection are easy. Ascension is hard. – Edna Lister, May 28, 1971.

With every smile and all laughter, you shorten the hours and days of drudgery that lie before you. Do not allow the slightest chance for mirth to slip by because it raises the vibration where you are. Your Guards use your laughter through the day to lift those who otherwise can be lifted only at night when they are out of their heavy bodies. – Edna Lister, June 2, 1971.

Lift everything into the Light, into the River of Life. You must be there, so you climb in ascension. Be in the Light, be the Light. Lift every fear and doubt to transform it into Light. Lift fear of old age, of mental trouble, fear of poverty. Earth and heaven work on an expanding plan. When you make sacrifice of the little self and love God enough, you receive the golden cord that binds you to life eternal.

Declare, ‘I die daily’ in the face of each crucifixion of self. You can lift, ascend, and finish it by ascending every remaining tendency in the self. To become a full creator, ascend everything in your life — lift your habits of thought, of conviction, your consciousness and memory cells into the kingdom of Light, reaching up in consciousness into the River of Life to contact your Source. It takes soul discipline to listen to what the Father says. – Edna Lister, June 24, 1971.

The subconscious mind works on emotions. When you win the battle with self, your lowest point of detriment becomes your highest point of glory. You always reach a new point of glory each time you conquer. The highest vibration is joy, which is part of the love vibration. – Edna Lister, July 15, 1971.

Edna Miriam Lister, born December 5, 1884, passed to the other side, just before noon, August 3, 1971, in Los Angeles, California.

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Edna Miriam Lister
1884 – 1971
The original Christian Pioneering Mystic,
Platonist philosopher, American Idealist, Founder, Society of the Universal Living Christ, minister, teacher, author, wife, and mother.

Edna Lister

Edna Lister at Paradise, Mount Rainier
National Park, Washington, August 10, 1944.


The Compact Edition of The Oxford English Dictionary: 2 volumes. Oxford University Press, 1971.

The Holy Bible. King James Version (KJV).

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