Edna Lister's Lectures on Miracles

God wrought many miracles as recorded in the Bible; in the Old Testament, He granted miracles to the tribes of Israel before, during their travels through the wilderness, while dwelling in Canaan, and after they divided themselves into the nations of Judah and Israel.

God brings miracles to pass in order to fulfill His will regarding the destiny of mankind, but only after the faithful souls cry out to Him in petition for mercy. The lectures collected here all relate to miracles, which require abundant faith and prayer.

What Is a Miracle? 1

This Edna Lister lecture outline for the Buffalo Psychology Club is dated May 6, 1960, Buffalo, New York.

From early times, men thought a miracle was some mysterious setting aside of laws by some arbitrary god with the visage of a bearded man a club. However, God does not rule His universe by whim or fancy.

Everything that exists in form is formed of God's one substance, in a higher or lower rate of vibration. Metaphysicians have long known that a miracle is but an acceleration of law operating under a raised, expanded vibration of substance. The physical body, your body, is composed of cells, molecules, atoms, and of infinitesimal life sparks called soul substance.

Miracle is God's name as He operates in His own perfection. His is always a way of miracles. Miracle is another name for perfection. So, to have a miracle, your name must become Miracle. To become a miracle is to become great in God's dual kingdom of outer appearances and inner reality. As a miracle, you are more than adequate where you are. A great person is one who is adequate to every situation life can offer. To be great means to be thrilled with every moment of every hour, every day, right where you are.

God has given you the gift of making a miracle of the area you occupy. A miracle of renewal is occurring in your body, modeled after whatever pattern you choose. What is your pattern for this month? God needs your greatness. You need God's greatness. You need life and love, and to be enthralled with God's greatness of glory.

How often have you said, "I AM loves you"? How many situations and people do you continue to drag along or carry on your back? So, to declare, "I AM become a miracle of perfection, a miracle of life, a miracle of Light, a miracle of glory," builds it with the eternal substance and according to the glory of your soul.

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What Is a Miracle? 2

This Edna Lister lecture transcript is dated May 6, 1960, Buffalo, New York. Scribe: Edna Catherine Bender.

To get an answer to a problem or anything else, your mind must be as smooth as water is on a still night. Therefore, the first great and very great necessity for expression is to learn never to ask "why." If you can ask "why," you lack of acceptance. The whole difficulty, whether you are still in a very outer circle of perception, where you still talk about demonstrating instead of letting a miracle appear.

At times you can have an illumination from the Source under prayer, but the rest of the time you only think you are praying, just thinking about praying, thinking about ascending, thinking about getting ready to accept.

To be in a state of grace is to be in a state of accepting truth. Two sentences will take you to the Source, no matter where you stand, no matter what kind of a day it is. You can stand and hold for two seconds as you say, "This is good. I AM loves you."

If you declare anything good, God will work it together for good, but He cannot if you say it is evil. If you love God enough, love principle enough, if you are dedicated enough, only one answer applies. You never need to say, "I don't know what to do," which is the greatest lie you use to kid yourself. Just say, "This is good," and wait upon the Lord.

"Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." – Matthew 6:33. The Oversoul, which is absolute perfection, is the healer. Conscious mind thinks abortively when influenced by the subconscious, which holds the negatives, the detriments of previous lives. You are supposed to be conscious of the Oversoul, which is in contact with all Power and Light all the time.

You are in the kingdom of heaven right now, you just lose awareness of it. The simple little statement, "I AM loves you," is magic. Just the words make you aware of the kingdom of heaven and of being in it. You don't need a great ritual, but just become it. This is a cure for enemies. You can say, "I AM loves you right now where you are. I love you where you are."

A miracle is an acceleration of natural law. Substance can only be raised or lowered in vibration. If you lower it enough, you create paralysis or crystallization. You are to direct and control the release of Power through you, and the only way is to move up where God is and love Him enough. More metaphysicians are believing in Jesus the Christ as the Son of God than ever. Even if they believe he was just a good man, living by law, they can raise the vibration of their own soul substance through that degree of faith.

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." – John 1:1. In the beginning, the Word was the one substance. You can raise the vibration of crystallized cells only under dedication to love and the cohesive universal substance from above. Anything earth can produce will yield where the love is love and not just thinking about loving. When it does not yield, a poverty of love has led to a poverty of the purse. When you love God enough, He is the miracle.

Perfection is another name for a miracle. When you love God enough, His glory, Power, and Light moves in to create a miracle, which is God expressing as complete perfection. This is the most beautiful experience you can imagine, because everyone must be adequate to holding the foot of ground on which he stands. Everyone is able to be equal and adequate in that one place.

As a matter of choice, you can stand and say, "I do choose God. I want this healing. I want this position. I know that I do." When you love God enough and are one with Him, you have a healing, a miracle in the twinkling of an eye. When you comprehend a law, all you think you know about a law, you will be there by stepping one notch higher.

I wish the words could be put upon my lips once and for all to wipe away the barriers. Most people just think they are praying, so their prayers just simmer. Move up where the greatness of God possesses you. It is so simple, so easy when you stop fussing and fretting and asking "why." As you express love, a flash of Light moves forth, but you must look up in consciousness to find it, and you must give up idle words. "Abstain from all appearance of evil." – 1 Thessalonians 5:22 in every word you speak.

Everything God created, He can recreate. What has been done can be done and is done. You are your own blockade. God never put a barrier in anyone's path, yet your every idle word does. Say, "This is good. I AM loves you. I AM a miracle of life." It becomes a delicious delight to give God a problem and watch to see the way He works it out. When you love God enough, you will become enthralled with life, but you may not use idle words.

What will you do? Whom will you serve? Miracles are so wonderful — God shows His touch of perfection and what He can do when you ask with all your love. How great is your all? All Light, all love, all faith, all glory? How much of you is in that all? If you have a doubt or a fear, part of you isn't in it.

The greatness of God needs you to be great. Right now this world is ascending. He is not losing it. The earth will be one great brotherhood, and you can suffer your way to it or go in joy, by a vivid, flaming imagination that never gives in to the outer appearance. Where the vibration has lowered, ignore it. My sense of God's greatness, the greatness of the law, the greatness of the Power makes the law through me great. How do you make your place great? By loving God.

Thinking, "Why has this happened to me?" is the ogre with a club. What will "me" do about it? Do not ask why, just get busy and clean up the mess. How stupid it is to let the actions of others push you to speak idle words. You may not have done the act but you created the form on the inner about it with idle words. There are no problems in the world, just inadequate people fumbling.

The first step is to ascend to the greatness of God's Power and acceptance to become its transformer. What you can dream of doing for yourself is part of all that is added. Thank God that He has made the price great, that people can't get into the kingdom of heaven for nothing. God deserves the best. "It does not yet appear what ye shall be!"

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Greater Healing as Miracles

This Edna Lister speech outline is dated January 5, 1960, Tacoma, Washington.

In 1918, a funny little woman with a two-year-old boy started homesteading in Idaho. She began studying a healing by principle correspondence course, but the only miracle she ever witnessed was that her own eyes were healed.

That little woman was me. I just knew that God did the work, if you love God enough. Since that time of study, study, study, practice, practice, practice. I've learned one thing, practice.

From Rome to modern China, governments have gone from feudalism to federations, and have always collapsed when the balance of power shifts through revolution. A revolution revolves around a new idea, serves to stir up old crystallization, to break down the old patterns.

St. Paul started a real revolution when he wrote to St. Timothy, "I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my hands. For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." – 2 Timothy 1:6-7. You must keep your gifts stirred up or turn into a pillar of salt, which represents a hardening of ideas and arteries.

The world has now moved into a new Christed Order. We are finishing what Paul started under Jesus, and are facing the finale of the greatest upward spiritual movement of all civilizations. We are in the middle of a boiling melting pot called revolution. We are our brothers' keepers. The love, wisdom and faith of God declare it so.

I AM has now reached beyond revolving and stirring up to harmonize everything and everyone into a perfect whole, a working together, a holding together as one. We also have the secret weapon of all ages now, a weapon that is changing the balance of power for all time to come. We have the ability to declare a thing healed and good, and it is so. We can resurrect all good from the past and ascend now.

Recently, I discovered that I've been working for a Federation of Nations for twenty years. The League of Nations was emotional, the United Nations is mental, but the Federation will be a spiritual brotherhood.

What has this to do with miracles? How can we have miracles? "I am" is the most common name in the world, the most powerful words God ever gave to humanity. Nothing can change you. You are I AM forever and ever.

I AM believes to see and causes all powers of the universe to move into action now. I AM love. I AM love for you now. I AM declares you healed, a miracle. I AM declares this a miracle year for you. I AM builds your tomorrow for you. Tomorrow is yours in beauty because I AM builds it now, today. I AM loves you.

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This Edna Lister lecture outline is dated May 24, 1960, Cleveland, Ohio.

When man's prayer reaches a point of fervency high enough to reach through to the Source, it calls down a bomb of Light equivalent to the need voiced in the sight draft. It sets off an explosion that rides down the prayer pathway as Light, as the power and substance to change, to transform, to lower into visibility whatever needs healing, whatever the sight draft has been. This bomb of Light contains all the ingredients to start action in the cells of a body, a business, a government, anything.

Any spot devoid of God's life is filled instantly by the faith of God as a miracle. A miracle is the difference between speed and delay, fast or slow. A speedy miracle is an act, an acceleration from time into now. A slow miracle is a process under some relative principle. Yet all prayer is a miracle.

A low vibration results in a slow process. A high vibration results in a speedy miracle. A prayer's rate of vibration determines the time elapsed between the prayer and the explosion of Light. A fervent rate is high, but cool fervency is slow and low.

Your outer body sheath is composed of cells, the desire body of molecules, the mental body of atoms and the fire body of electrons. The substance of faith is the life sparks, the finest grade of substance. A miracle, as an act, is instantaneous, from inner to outer. A miracle as a process involves the Light slowly penetrating through each cell, molecule and atom of a body or sheath.

Among its definitions for a miracle, The Oxford English Dictionary includes "a remarkable specimen of impudence." A miracle is presumptuous, which means "to dare step out on faith because of a vision." A miracle is a remarkable act of daring to "believe to see" and step out on the pure faith of God.

Faith is the greatest gift man can bring to God's altar. You can achieve this faith only through prayer of devotion, which is the essence of surrender of self, a preparation for prayer, forgiveness for others, and the opening quality of the prayer.

All prayer must be based on forgiveness, which has four stages, the first of which is forgiveness of self. At first, you may say, "Father, I know not what I do, but don't tell me! I simply cannot bear to know yet. Let me hide a while longer." Sometimes you can go too long downgrade and can't climb back up without help.

Some will not seek or allow help, saying, "I must do this all alone. I have to work this out alone." When you pray only after a crisis, your prayers turn lukewarm. In this phase, you may dream of going down endless stairs, whose steps are reversed until you are walking only on their points. Another dream-symbol of lukewarmness is descending a staircase of piano wires.

At the second step, people say, "Father, I'll forgive him, but he'd better not do it again. He'd better leave me alone, or I'll tell him off! Prayers grow a bit warmer here, until you are almost ready to surrender self to God.

At the third stage, people say, "Father, You forgive them." At last you are letting God in. This may not seem like much progress, but your prayers are gaining in fervency. At the end of this phase, you surrender self to God completely.

Finally, in the fourth stage, you say, "Father, forgive me lest I cause my brother to stumble." With this admission of personal responsibility, full faith moves in to possess you. You cease wasting time, or spending time on the self-gratification of some half-way repentance.

So many people spend their lives, treading up and down the same step, traveling the saw dust trail, lamenting and repenting their self indulgence as they pursue more self-satisfaction. On the Via Christa, you repent as you climb the stairways of life.

The old adage says, "By their works you will know them." From self-congratulatory humility and false meekness, which anchors you to earth, you must strive for true humility and meekness of spirit to anchor yourself to Source. Such humility and devotion of heart are the only point of breakthrough for the sleeping giant of soul within you.

Thus, you become a rock of faith upon which God can build a citadel of strength. Then, as the full servant of God, you can close the mouths of lions, and direct Light to melt, absorb and change any condition. However, you may demand nothing while you decree in faith as you think, picture and let God work to create from the invisible to the visible.

Faith is the only conducting rod to the Source for your prayers. Your fervor determines the strength of your prayers and the heights to which you may reach! The stronger your faith, the longer your conduction rod. The higher your prayers reach, the greater the bomb of Light released, the speedier the results the more wonderful the miracle.

The Elect are rarely rebuked, reprimanded, or chastened, but are given opportunities in life to give God their most precious gifts of self. As you walk the Via Christa, you learn the courtly expressions, and regal attitudes of the heavenly sources.

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What Is a Miracle? 4

This Edna Lister lecture transcript is dated May 24, 1960, Cleveland, Ohio. Scribes: Ruth Johnson, Irene White, and Virginia Whitehead.

When you can ask the question, you are in sight of the answer. To receive an answer to a question, your mind must be as still as water on a still night. Therefore, the first, very great necessity for expression is to learn never to ask why. If you still ask why, you lack acceptance.

Lack of acceptance is the whole difficulty. It does not matter whether you still talk about demonstrating instead of letting a miracle appear, or whether you have illumination from the Source under prayer. The rest of the time you only think you are praying, or you just think about praying. You are thinking about ascending, thinking about getting ready to accept.

A state of grace is acceptance of truth. When you have extended your consciousness high enough, you do receive the answer. You can't bring truth through the veils of illusion unless you are balanced at the heart center.

Three statements will take you to the Source. No matter where you are, no matter what kind of day it is, you can stand for three seconds and say, "This is good. Let there be Light. I AM loves you."

If you declare anything good, God will work it together for good. "We know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose." – Romans 8:28, yet He can't work it together for good if you declare it is evil. If you love God enough, love principle enough, are dedicated enough, you have only one answer, "This is good."

"I don't know what to do" is the greatest lie people use to kid themselves. Reform yourself. Just say, "This is good," then wait upon the Lord. "Let there be Light" is saying, "Let God be here as Light." Remember the as.

Light contains absolutely everything you need for creation. A creator, standing as the servant of all the Power before an altar, merely speaks the word to release Light to do the perfect work. No interference is needed or tolerated. Light is sufficient to do the whole job. The law to apply where you need Light is always to prepare the way of the Lord by declaring the object of your prayer "good and very good." Then use proper phrases to express the need, such as, "Let there be Light," or, "Let thy Light go forth," or, "Oh, God, according to Thy loving kindness." Ask for greater clarity in proper prayer.

"I AM loves you" is knowing how to seek the kingdom of heaven first so that all things are added to your life. I AM is the expression of the Oversoul, the healer, for it is already absolute perfection. Your mind is at least twofold — conscious mind, which does most of the important thinking, and subconscious mind, which you've filled with the negatives of previous lives. Yet, super-conscious mind is an extension of the Oversoul and forever remains in contact with all Power and Light. You are supposed to be conscious of this.

You are in the kingdom of heaven right now, you just lose awareness of it. "I AM in the kingdom of heaven" is a simple, magical statement. Just saying the words makes you fully aware that you are in the kingdom of heaven now. You don't need great rituals, just become the kingdom of heaven here and now. "I AM loves you right now, where you are" is a perfect cure for enemies.

A miracle is an acceleration of natural law. "In the beginning was the Word" and that Word is Light, the One Substance of God. You can do only two things to universal substance, raise or lower its rate of vibration under the primary laws of expansion and contraction. If you lower the rate of vibration too much, you create crystallization or paralysis. You can raise crystallized cells in vibration only under dedication to love and the cohesive Power from above.

Anything earth can produce will yield where love is love and not just "thinking about it." When a situation doesn't yield, you have a poverty of love. You are impoverished of love before poverty empties your purse or steals your health.

Paul Tillich said, "You cannot understand a miracle from a horizontal position. When man's greatest need to receive reaches up and meets God's greatest need to give, the result is a miracle." Life itself is God's desire to give, and to express is why you are here. When all on the outside has failed, ascend high enough to reach that Power that gives the miracle. You could say all prayer reaches up to open the way.

Healing is an expanded vibration of substance. Illness or financial trouble is a low vibration of condensed substance. Healing happens under a high vibration of expanded substance. The only way to raise the vibration of substance is to ascend to God and love Him enough. When you love God enough, God is the miracle. Another name for a miracle is the manifestation of perfection. When you love God enough, the glory of that Power as Light enters as a miracle, God expressing as complete perfection. This is the most beautiful gift, and anyone can give it.

Each must be adequate to holding the square foot of ground he occupies. Each can be equal and adequate in that one place. There are no problems in the world, just inadequate people fumbling around. As a matter of choice, stand and say, "I do choose God. I want this healing. I know that I do. This is good. I AM loves you. I AM loving. I AM a miracle of life."

When you love God enough to become one with Him, then you have a healing miracle in the twinkling of an eye. When you comprehend all you think you know about law, you will be there. It is a matter of stepping just a rung higher.

I wish the words could be put upon my lips once and for all to wipe away the barriers. Most people just think they are praying. Their prayers just simmer. Ascend to where the greatness of God possesses you. It is so simple and so easy when you stop fussing and asking why. Your love goes forth as a flash of Light, a bomb of Light, to produce the miracle. Yet you must look up in consciousness to where God is and give up idle words. That means watching every word that leaves your lips. Everything God has created, He can recreate. What has been done, can be done and is being done. God never puts a block before anyone, but you create a barrier with every idle word.

When man's prayer is fervent enough to reach the Source, it calls forth a bomb of Light equal to the need. Every need you voice in prayer is a sight draft on the Power, a note you must pay when it is presented. Picture Daniel in the lion's den. Daniel was talking to God with no other consciousness in his heart or mind. The Light was great enough to scare the lions, and Daniel wasn't lion-conscious when he prayed.

Your prayer must ascend above earth and your need, to God, the Source. Think of God, not your need. When your thought of God is so great that you know nothing is impossible, you have reached fervency. Worshiping and praising God causes your fervency. Picture God as your all. If you think of need or picture need, you adulterate your prayer.

When the fervency of your love of God reaches the Source, you have Daniel's results. The key is overcoming the gravity of need, to pull away from the need, which is triumphing over gravity. Those who do not overcome earth gravity are "skull bumpers" or "ceiling bumpers" in prayer. When your sight draft touches the substance of faith in prayer, it forms a mold that fills with God as Substance. When prayer reaches the Source in fervency, then it is the lighter for an explosion.

Prayer is the builder of molds, the carrier of your faith. The minute God's Power enters, He has answered your prayer with a bomb of Light. Light contains all the ingredients to start healing action in physical cells or in your affairs. Your need creates a path for Light, Power and Substance to fill the mold and become visible as you ascend in joy to the Source. Healing will be absent in any spot still lacking God's full life.

A miracle is a natural law accelerated to fill any void instantly with the faith of God. You set aside time and space to have a miracle. You can reach the timeless, spaceless Source only in complete fervency as the faith of God. A miracle accelerates a process into a completed act, which is the difference between speed and delay. A process includes thoughts that distract you and keep you inside your skull. Don't make a production of entering the golden silence. Move up, and love God enough. Act from above.

The act of a miracle is to say, "Father, possess me. Here I AM. I love you with all my heart, mind and soul," and ascend to the Source. All your life you've used words to enter the golden silence. All your lengthy, empty prayers, the "vain repetitions," are stored in the Hall of Records. By helping others, you can release enough love to erase those records.

You don't need a lengthy process of words to get to God, just go in love and kneel at His feet. Praise God in all you do on three levels at once, appetitive soul, rational soul and Oversoul. Go about your business and tell God you are always looking and listening for the next miracle.

It becomes a delicious delight to give Him a problem and watch for the way He is going to solve it. When you love God enough, you become enthralled with life, but you cannot have idle words. What are you going to do? Whom are you going to serve? God or self?

When you ask for a miracle, you pray and thank the Father for its fulfillment in His way. Some miracles are speedy, some are slow, according to the fervency of your asking. A process will result in a miracle, but it is a low, slow vibration. Action is a high, fast vibration that sets aside time and space. How do you set aside time and space? Say, "This is wonderful," and know that it is God bestowing His touch of perfection. God will show you what He can do when you ask with all your love.

How great is your ALL? All Light, all love, all faith, all glory? How much of yourself is in that all? If you have doubt or fear, you are missing part of that all. God needs your greatness. Your imagination must be vivid, flaming, never giving in to the outer appearance. Ignore the lowered vibration. Say, "I vow to ignore the truth of appearance and to accept, surrender and declare the truth of reality."

The greatness of the law, the Power is unlimited. How great is your place? Make it greater by loving God. Say, "My sense of greatness makes the expression of law through me great." Right now this world is ascending. Someday the world will be one great fellowship of brotherhood. You can suffer your way to it or travel in joy.

The rate of vibration of the prayer, low or high, determines the time elapsed between prayer and the explosion of Light for a miracle. The fervency of prayer determines how fast Power and Light act. A slow miracle is a process. A slow miracle for the body on earth means your fervency hasn't reached the point of an explosion.

The healing action in a physical body is the same, whether under a slow process or a speedy miracle. The outer physical sheath is composed of cells, the desire body of molecules, the mental body of atoms. The fire body, composed of electrons is the highest vibratory rate vehicle. All detriments of the subconscious mind manifest within the desire body. All Power and your gains manifest within the mental body. When the explosion comes, it releases enough Power to inflate the mental body atoms and desire body molecules.

Most people have to see the miracle to believe in its possibility. A million small prayers to the Father are a million tiny sight drafts. Power finally fills the fire body and to linger there. When it finally seeps into the mental body, you feel a little better. When Power touches the desire body, you feel inspired to add fervency to your prayers.

A miracle is instantaneous, the opposite of a process. The substance of faith is the life spark, the finest grade of substance as life sparks, which does the healing. All physical healing depends on the inflation of the mental body atoms through praise and the three higher grades, the breaths of the creator. You inhale seven grades of substance in one deep physical breath.

To step out in absolute faith is an act of daring. Presume that a miracle is on its way. Presumption is to dare to act on faith in vision. The Oxford English Dictionary defines a miracle as a "remarkable specimen of impudence." A miracle is an act of daring, to believe to see, acting on the pure faith of God. God will not be mocked, but He loves it when you dare. Leave fear behind and dare to be impudent enough for a miracle.

The greatest gift you can bring to God's altars is faith. You achieve such faith only through prayers of devotion. A prayer of devotion is the essence of two factors, surrender and forgiveness. You cannot pray to the Source without surrendering and forgiving, and their depth depends on your fervency. Surrender is a preparation for prayer. You become selfless through surrender to become a servant of all Power. Give love for every debt you've charged to others.

Forgiveness means to give up resentment. Forgiveness of others is the opening quality of your prayer. The quality of prayer depends upon forgetting your enemies. When you think of enemies, it is a process. When you think of negative things to pour love upon, you are under process.

"Why has this happened to me?" is the ogre with a club ready to wreck your dreams. What is "me" going to do about it? Don't ask why. Just get busy and clean up the mess. How stupid it is to let others' actions provoke you to idle words. Silence under blame relates to this. You did not do the act, but if you attracted blame, you created its inner form through idle words. To surrender, to give love for, to forget, precipitates the explosion of Light.

You need four stages of forgiveness for a miracle. First, you must forgive yourself, getting rid of self-blame. "Father, I know not what I do but don't tell me." This is the "I'll try" stage. "Let me hide a little longer. No, I won't ask for help. I must work this out alone." Here you may dream of descending a long stairway over an abyss. You cannot forgive another until you first forgive yourself.

Second, you forgive others because you think you should. "Father, I'll forgive him but he'd better not do it again." Prayers are warmer here because they introduce the need to forgive. You begin to give love for whatever comes, and resentment is coming to the surface to be skimmed off. You are warming to the point of surrender.

Third, you forgive others because you know you must. "Father, forgive them for they know not what they are doing" (to me or another). Prayer is gaining in fervor here. Sometimes you must call for help or retrogress. The quality of the composite group prayer vibration helps you ascend.

Finally, you reach the full surrender and quality of being forgiveness. "Father, forgive me, lest I cause my brother to stumble." Here you are becoming forgiveness. You are giving love for everything. You know, and faith possesses you for full surrender to be possessed by God's Power.

Forgiveness is a series of small acts. Finally you reach Job's level when he said, "Though He slay me, yet will I trust in him." – Job 13:15. From self you ascend to humility and meekness of spirit that anchors you to Heaven. You become a citadel of strength on earth, a sleeping giant who can burst into life. You may not make demands while you wait through your "six days of creation." You have no room for self-gratification or self-satisfaction.

Decree in faith that you are ready to be promoted. "I AM ready for a new position. I AM ready for a miracle." The first step is entering the greatness of God's Power and acceptance to become its transformer. Then think, picture and let. What you can dream of doing for yourself is part of "all these things shall be added unto you." Ask once, then think and imagine. Praise God and thank Him that He is filling your mold.

Faith is your only conducting rod to the Source for prayer, and your fervor determines the height you will reach. The stronger your faith, the longer your conducting rod. The higher your prayers reach, the greater the bomb of Light released, the speedier the results, the more wonderful the miracle.

Anything is possible to the Lord. Choose well. Be generous with God and He will be generous with you. Plan greatly. Think magnificently of His bounty, of His desire for your happiness, your perfection. Think of His wealth of ability to do. Nothing is impossible to God. Believe! Cultivate the habit of acting as if you already have your desire and already are what you desire to be and already have what you need, which is the full secret of a miracle.

"I AM now accepting my great service. I AM now accepting my great position. I AM now accepting my full responsibility. I AM become a good shepherd. Thank You, Father, You always say yes!"

Any miracle, speedy or slow, is the result of much previous thinking about and planning for. Every thought, every picture-image, every desire, surely builds toward your outer visible miracle.

Allow universal Mind to flow through you freely, and let Christed consciousness possess you. Then and only then can Power step in to fully quicken and vitalize. You soon feel it in every cell of the body and in all your affairs. The only tools you use are your consuming flame of desire, vivid imagination, and divinely bestowed faculty of thinking. They are the only tools you shall ever have or require.

God never rebukes, reprimands or chastens the Elect. He just gives you opportunities to offer your most precious gifts of self. He gives you the opportunity of learning courtly expressions and attitudes from heavenly Sources. Thank God that He has made the price great so that people cannot enter the kingdom of heaven for nothing. "Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is." – 1 John 3:2. God deserves the best.

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This Edna Lister lecture outline is dated March 2, 1965, Tacoma, Washington.

A revolution is a revolving. Every so often in a civilization, the masses underneath start moving. As they stretch to find room for growth, they push up, reaching for the warmth of the sun. They begin to revolve, moving everything around, resulting in a revolution. New ideas usually start a revolution. People, being pushed, start to revolve until even earth moves from a static condition to a new point.

God has given us a secret weapon to aid us in this revolution, which is now changing the balance of power from darkness to Light, from evil to good. This weapon of God-given Power lies in one small four-letter word, good. Good is God's name on earth. "I AM good" is the most powerful healing statement you can ever use. I AM has but one idea, it can't be anything else, but can be degraded or dragged down from its high place.

Do you want miracles? Declare, "I am good. You are good. This is good." Even if you knew nothing else but this, miracles would follow.

For example, a man started driving from Chicago to Cleveland in the early darkness of a winter afternoon. He had driven for half an hour when his headlights went out, and the parking lights were all he had left. First he feared, then he prayed and told God that He would have to send His Light through the lamps, in the name of Jesus the Christ. The Highway Patrol was very strict along the way, and he knew he'd be stopped, so he prayed again.

Sure enough, he heard the siren coming and pulled over. The blustering patrolman wouldn't let him explain why he had no lights. He said, "You can't fool me now by turning your lights off! I'm arresting you for blinding the cars you've passed. Turn on your lights and follow me."

The driver tried to explain, but the patrolman said, "Move over. I'll turn 'em on." He got in the car and fiddled and fussed, but no lights. He even looked under the hood and was finally convinced that the car had no lights. Still he asked, "How did you blind those other drivers?" The patrolman, who escorted the man to the next town, where a mechanic found the broken connection, remained unconvinced that the other drivers could be wrong!

Now, stop straddling the fence. Move up into your higher octave of life. Strike a higher chord, "This is good. I AM loves for you. I AM loves you. I AM declares you are healed. You are now healed. Your body is filled with Light."

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God's Miracles

This Edna Lister lecture outline is dated September 28, 1965, Caxton Hall, London, England, at the the International New Thought Alliance Golden Anniversary Rally.

From creature to creator is a long road. From instinctive intelligence to conscious intelligence requires many billions of experiences. The creature and the son of man first acquire individual consciousness, then, as sons of God and creators, they earn Christed consciousness.

"Jesus looking upon them saith, With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible." – Mark 10:27. To the millions, the impossibles of earth are far greater than the possibles of God. Start from one point of thinking, "According to my faith, so will it be done to me." My faith is is my idea of what love can do. What do I expect from God? What do I expect from life?

We have learned that we receive exactly what we send forth. My results depend upon my statements, which may be weak and wishy-washy, and on my declarations. Are they weak, or positive and dynamic?

My results depend on my giving up of self, and my giving from soul. If I agree with the world and declare or decree a world's "impossible," I cut off my contact with my divine Source of Power. If I agree with God's "possibles," I will increase my miracles.

Knowing the difference between a statement and a declaration is critical. You can make statements that are true or false. For instance, a doctor may say that something is "impossible," and he is right in his material-physical grade, since he made his statements based on the physical laws of man. A statement uses the ordinary energy-power that is always circulating in the world.

My powerful declaration, "This is possible for God to do," starts His full powers into action on my spoken word. It is a challenge to any world weakness to yield to God, to give up evil or darkness.

"Let there be Light," I declare in love and in faith, believing. I am aware, day and night, of God as all Power, as all good now. I am aware of God as my identity, with assurance, confidence and trust, without fear or doubt, "without variableness or shadow of turning." In His Name, I now declare that I give. I love. I am healed. You are healed. They are healed. Love fulfills the law.

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Miracles for the Christed Age

This Edna Lister lecture outline is dated October 3, 1965, for the International New Thought Alliance, Bournemouth, England.

We see outer miracles in every line of human endeavor. Great new computers do the work of many men in just two and three hours, which formerly required days. Surgeons are reattaching severed limbs, returning teeth to their sockets, and even transplanting eyes.

A computer must be programmed in an exact language, with no idle words. Their programmers say, "Garbage in, garbage out." An article in a scientific magazine recently said, "Soon we'll be speaking into large computers direct, with no need for cards or symbols. Later we will have a machine into which we'll think."

We don't have to wait for the future. Right now you and I have a computer, a brain into which we think. I don't have to depend on telepathy. I can think to myself and come up with a right answer by consulting my computer, all in the silence.

Think of the power of thought that must be used for our miracles — instant action, with no fumbling words. Only one magic word is required to cover all needs: Love. We must accept love as the only miracle way. When you accept love as your magic wand and key, you must assume the attitude of a conqueror. You must spread your wings and soar! When you do this, something marvelous happens. We call it the Christing — we are filled with Light!

Until very recently science told us that there was no recognized nerve connection between the endocrine glands and the physical nervous system. Now they have found channels between them, each other, and the nervous system. How and why did they miss this connection, only to discover it now?

The vibration of the whole world has been lifted, and everything accelerated to a faster tempo. The old, heavy physical is dropping away. Life sparks are being drawn to a higher level, and soon we'll be walking only in a higher vibration body, the desire body, parts of which are now becoming visible. Surgically removed body parts have regrown. Nerve connections, such as those within the endocrine system, are the desire body becoming visible because we've stepped up in consciousness collectively.

You hear through your ears, but listen with your brain cells. The function of the pineal body and pituitary gland, beyond their physical operation, is as channels of intuition and illumination, or love and wisdom. Now science is telling us that parathalamus glands exist, which will be our glands of full knowing, seership and prophecy, to function greater divine Power. The optic chiasm of the thalamus is our all-seeing eye. Its input registers on the parathalamus.

We now can function the full Power of God. Love has opened all doors and has torn aside the seven veils of illusion. Our love reaches up in devotion, and praise lifts up our needs. When our needing love meets God's loving need to give, an explosion takes place, resulting in a shaft of Power and Substance descending through us, healing minds and bodies, as it flows into the outer world as a miracle.

Light condenses into a heavy auric sphere-sheath around you, and when filled, shoots forth rays of repulsion, which are your protection. When do I know that I've loved enough? When the miracle manifests! Law does not fill love. Love fulfills the Law, and enough love is a miracle!

Who can take you anywhere? Who in you identifies with the Source of all life, I AM or "little me"? Miracles are mine when I am lifted above little me. I have no yesterday. I can't cling to the past, or I bind myself in chains. I have only the now. I am become the servant of all Power. Love is my magic wand. I am become a living miracle, triumphant and conquering!

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Edna Miriam Lister
1884 –1971
The original Pioneering Mystic
minister, teacher, and author

Edna Lister

Etymology of miracle: mid-12th Century, a wondrous work of God, from Old French miracle, from Latin miraculum object of wonder, from mirari to wonder at, marvel, be astonished, figuratively to regard, esteem, from mirus wonderful, astonishing, amazing.

From mid-13th Century as "extraordinary or remarkable feat," without regard to deity. The Greek words rendered as miracle in the English bibles were semeion sign, teras wonder, and dynamis power, in Vulgate translated respectively as signum, prodigium, and virtus. The Latin word is the source of Spanish milagro, Italian miracolo.


"Miracle." Dictionary, Merriam-Webster: Merriam-Webster Dictionary Online Accessed 18 March 2021.

The Compact Edition of The Oxford English Dictionary: 2 volumes. E.S.C. Weiner, editor. Oxford University Press, 1971.

The Holy Bible. King James Version (KJV).

The Oxford American English Dictionary Online: "Miracle"

The Oxford English Dictionary Online: "Miracle"

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