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- » A Year on the Via Christa: The Twelfth Night Chart
The Twelfth Night Chart
This chart of the cyclic Path of Ascension, the Via Christa, repeats annually and never varies as far as the laws of ascension are concerned. Use this chart throughout the year as a reminder of your needs in conquering, overcoming, and to answer questions about why something happened. The Via Christa automatically uses outer situations to repeat every unlearned lesson. Each year prepares for the next, always on an upward cycle, and the same old lesson is sent forth one grade higher than the previous year. No one loses, for every smallest gain is credited from above, and each is promoted according to his faith.
October 20 marks the start of the initiatory year, the time for the symbolic separation of the sheep from the goats. The period between August 10 and October 20 is is dedicated to the recapitulation of all lessons on law. October 20 is the date associated with the ascension of Earth. November 1 opens the Season of Joy in preparation for the Christmas miracles. From October 20 to Christmas, new prophecies are given, old prophecies explained and new Power is released according to how well you passed your initiations during the period of temptation, since the previous August 10th.
Christmas is the Nativity, the celebration of the birth of the Christ Child, symbolizing the Christ Light being born anew on earth. During the period between Christmas and Twelfth Night, the Heavenly Councils hold the level or degree of Power released through you to see what you do with it, and how you operate on full Power. If the Power is too great for you to stand strongly and firmly, they cut it back as needed. The whole world is under the laws of forgiveness and sacrifice, but especially from Christmas to Easter. The first week of January is the time to review and take stock. Strive to live in absolute perfection, if you desire to progress.
Twelfth Night is always January 12, opening our spiritual New Year. During three days of Twelfth Night Initiations (January 11-13), Power is increased again. New prophecies may be given and you may receive higher illumination. New appointments, changes and promotions are announced, and the keynote for your year's service and expansion is set. Your life chord, an individual harmony vibration, is reset or “tuned” on Twelfth Night (your nerves are adjusted, exactly as you tune a musical instrument), so you must be in a state of grace, which is the Oversoul kneeling before high, holy thrones in acceptance and surrender, reverence and awe, devotion and praise, while expressing joy and compassion to the world.
Twelfth Night to Ash Wednesday is a period of forty days of soul inventory. If you have not fully lived according to the law under this great release of Power, you repeat the October 20 to Christmas cycle. Each day is a day of judgment in a just appraisal of your soul's gains to prepare for sacrifice of self during Lent.
Ash Wednesday opens Lent, forty days of fasting from self expressions, and the soul sacrifice of self. Our observation of Ash Wednesday serves to impress upon the appetitive soul its need for contrition, repentance and ongoing penitence.
Lent: The Lenten season is one of the sacrifice of self in joy. Under the joy vibration, you make sacrifices of all negative spiritual, mental and emotional expressions to conquer the little self. All gains are credited and repetition is solely for overcoming weaknesses you uncover at this time.
Palm Sunday opens Holy Week for the Power release that reaches a climax on Easter morning. Jesus enters Jerusalem as a spiritual conqueror, preparing to face his Crucifixion with serene courage.
Holy Week is filled with events crucial to understanding the nature of the Via Christa. Just as Jesus recapitulated all his teachings during Holy Week, you undergo a personal review of your mastery on the Way of Christ. Among the best known of these events are the Last Supper and Good Friday, the Crucifixion.
Easter is an evaluation date, and marks the Resurrection of Christ. After crucifying the self, you are resurrected from your old life and become responsible for releasing greater Light than before. The Power you release is doubled if your sacrifices of self during Lent were more than sufficient, and you conquer self in joy and rejoicing.
Easter to Ascension Day: From Easter, Power is redoubled again in preparation for Ascension Day, which commemorates Christ's Ascension to our Father in Heaven. Pondering what ascension means pays the greatest dividends of the whole year in illumination. Only illumination from the Source dissolves the mists of matter, the illusions that lie between earth and the different realms of heaven, which veil the mysteries of the universe, lest too much Power destroys you.
Ascension Day commemorates Christ's Ascension to our Father in Heaven. Although Christian orthodoxy emphasizes Jesus' Resurrection as the greatest miracle, we who travel the Via Christa, live by his promises, too. Chief among them are: “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.” – John 14:12-14. Between Ascension Day and Pentecost, Councils decide whether you receive a diploma or must retake the same initiations.
Pentecost coincides with the Feast of First fruits, Shavuoth, which also commemorates the giving of the Law at Sinai. Christ bade his followers to tarry in Jerusalem to be endowed with the Holy Spirit, which happened on that day. Today, the Pentecost may occur on any occasion when two or three are gathered in his name. From Pentecost to August 10, heavenly mentors and guardian angels are under heavy vows not to interfere with or to make unasked for suggestions to their charges on earth. The degree of Power released through you is sustained, and you are placed under full Light at Pentecost to see if you can hold your gains.
August 10 is the date set for the annual lifting of accumulated darkness, as force and misused soul substance, from earth and the minds and hearts of men. During three days of initiations (August 9-11), credits are awarded and you reevaluate your vows of conquering. You remake the vows you have not paid in preparation for the period of temptation. The Power released through you is increased daily, as much as you can stand.
The Period of Temptation: The amount of Power released through you is set by midnight, September 19, and not increased until November 1.The period of temptation, which lasts until October 20, is the great initiation period and your Guards are returned according to your needs. Initiators are sent to you, using outer conditions as the temptation to uncover weaknesses. The year's credits are totaled and added to your heavenly chart. You will find many of the year's prayed for miracles visible. Increase the fervor of your prayers, for often only a little more prayer substance will make your heart's desires visible.